關 鍵 詞: |
職業運動;四大職業運動;個別紛爭;紛爭解決;仲裁;申訴仲裁;薪資仲裁;受傷仲裁 |
中文摘要: |
職業運動為社會發展下之產物,故如同其他社會活動般,於運動員、球團及運動組織等當事人間亦會發生紛爭。由於職業運動具有特殊性,其紛爭之解決講求快速,否則當事人之權益可能因程序進行之冗長及時間之延宕而受到損害,故著重時間效益之替代性紛爭解決機制,尤其是仲裁即成為職業運動紛爭解決較佳之選擇。美國眾多的職業運動中,各項制度最為完善乃美式足球、棒球、籃球及冰球等號稱四大(Big Four)的職業運動聯盟。四大職業運動聯盟在與球員工會間所成立之勞資團體協約中,即有就運動員個別紛爭解決機制之約定,此等紛爭解決制度使得聯盟、球團與球員間產生的大部分衝突,均能循此處理。故,其具相當的成效,對於欲建立相關制度之運動組織,具有可參考性。我國社會目前已有多項職業運動,第一個建立的職業運動聯盟為中華職業棒球大聯盟,其發展已達二十七年。雖然我國職業運動聯盟於其內部規章亦有相關的紛爭解決機制之規定,但由於具有多項缺失,致使無法發揮適當之紛爭解決效能。本文以美國四大職業運動之紛爭解決制度為立論重心,介紹其制度之特色、內涵與最新發展。最後,作者將剖析我國現在相關法令及職業運動紛爭解決制度之現況與缺失,參酌美國制度提出相關建議,期能成為我國職業運動紛爭解決制度改革之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Professional Sports;Big Four;Individual Dispute;Dispute Resolution;Arbitration;Grievance Arbitration;Salary Arbitration and Injury Arbitration |
英文摘要: |
Professional sports are the outcomes of the development in human society and as other social fields, there are some disputes between the sports participants including athletes, teams and sports associations. Due to the differences with the ordinary social activities, the disputes arose from the professional sports are required to be resolved efficiently or the rights of participators might be jeopardized in the time-consuming course of dispute resolution. Hence, the Alternative Dispute Resolution is regarded as an effective method to resolve disputes in the professional sports industry especially arbitration. There are many professional leagues in the United States and the most well-known is Big Four including professional football, professional baseball, professional basketball and professional hockey. The collective bargaining agreements between professional leagues and player associations in Big Four contain the terms and provisions of athlete’s individual dispute resolution procedures, which resolve most conflicts between leagues, teams and players efficiently. Due to remarkable effects, the systems of dispute resolution could be referred as pattern for the sports organizations which will set up the related system. There are some professional sports leagues in Taiwan, and one of the most leading is Chinese Professional Baseball League, which has been 27 years since it was founded as first one. Although there are related clauses in the bylaw of the professional sports league to set up the dispute resolution system, but it is not as effective as expected resulting from the defects in the system. This paper mainly focuses on the dispute resolution systems in Big Four and introduces their characteristics, contents and the latest developments in the collective bargaining agreements. In conclusion, the author will analyze the related regulations and current status and flaws of the dispute resolution systems in Taiwan’s professional leagues and present the suggestions to reform based on the related systems in the United States.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、職業運動員工作之特性與紛爭類型 一、職業運動員工作之特性 二、職業運動員涉及紛爭之類型 三、小結 參、美國四大職業運動之個別紛爭解決制度 一、美國職業棒球 MLB 之仲裁制度 (一)可仲裁之紛爭 (二)申訴仲裁 (三)薪資仲裁 二、美國職業籃球 NBA 之仲裁制度 (一)可仲裁之紛爭 (二)申訴仲裁 三、國家美式足球 NFL 之仲裁制度 (一)可仲裁之紛爭 (二)非受傷之申訴仲裁 (三)受傷之申訴仲裁 四、國家冰球 NHL 之仲裁制度 (一)可仲裁之紛爭 (二)冰上行為紀律性紛爭仲裁 (三)申訴仲裁 (四)薪資仲裁 五、法院對職業運動仲裁之事後審查 肆、我國現況與建議 一、我國現況 (一)我國法院之見解 (二)中華職棒大聯盟之仲裁制度及缺失 二、建議 (一)建立具雙方信賴之仲裁機制 (二)由符合法令規定之組織進行仲裁 (三)區分不同紛爭適用不同仲裁程序 伍、結論 附錄:美國四大運動仲裁系統簡表
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