關 鍵 詞: |
日本食品輸出;放射性物質;福島核電廠事故;歐盟食品輸入管理 |
中文摘要: |
2011 年 3 月 11 日福島核電廠事故發生後,許多國家禁止日本特定地區之食品進口。歐盟為保護人民與動物健康及環境,也對日本食品之輸入採取立即性預防措施。隨後依日本監測資料及輸入食品放射性檢驗資料,廢止原實施命令,訂定新的日本食品輸入管理實施命令?新命令主要包含放射性物質最高限量標準、特定地區食品抽樣檢驗、官方檢查頻率及日本官方簽署聲明書之要求等規定。本文擬分析歐盟對日本特定區域食品輸入之管理規範及其修正情形,以作為臺灣討論相關議題之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Japanese food exports;radioactive material;the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power station;EU food import management |
英文摘要: |
After the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power station on March 11, 2011, many countries banned food importation in specific regions of Japan. The European Union adopted also emergency precaution measures for food imported from Japan in order to protect public health, animal health and the environment. According to the monitoring information of japan government and further development of the situation and occurrence data on radioactivity in food imported from Japan, EU repealed implementing regulations and adopted new regulations for food import control, including regulations regarding the maximum levels of the presence of radioactive material for food, sampling and analysis apply to food from specific areas, official check frequency and the requirement of official signed declaration. This paper attempts to analyze the EU food import management regulations from specific regions of Japan and the amendments of implementing regulations as a reference to discuss the relevant issues in Taiwan.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、歐盟輸入食品一般性管理規範 一、歐盟第 178/2002 號規則之基本規定 二、特別管理規定 參、福島核電廠事故後之特別輸入規定 一、立即性預防措施 二、貨物檢查採取日本標準 三、日本加嚴之過渡標準 四、管制區域與產品類型細緻化 五、取消固定比例之貨物檢查 肆、本文分析 一、產地聲明與檢驗分析報告之雙證明文件 二、輸入貨物檢查之頻率 三、檢驗標準之調整 四、依監控及檢驗情況調整管制區域與項目 伍、結語
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