關 鍵 詞: |
醫療行政救濟;正當法律程序;依法行政原則;不確定法律概念 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Medical Administrative Remedies;Due Process;The Principle of Administration According to Law;Indefinite Legal Concept |
英文摘要: |
Scholars mostly elaborate mushrooming legal issues in medical affairs from civil or criminal perspective. Nevertheless increasing administrative law disputes practically derive from respective regulations that form rights and obligations of medical professionals. This article intends to introduce the framework of medical administrative remedy and analyze judgments concerning the issue on the foundation of constitutional property rights and due process hinging on the essential principles in administrative law.
目 次: |
壹、憲法財產權保障:從防禦功能到客觀的保護義務 貳、憲法正當法律程序 參、依法行政原則 肆、行政法之一般法律原則 伍、不確定法律概念 陸、行政處分只受有效推定,不受合法推定 柒、醫療行政救濟程序之簡介與評論 捌、經驗分享與爭議問題辯正 玖、結語:知福,惜福。幸福,不是基本人權,追求幸福的權利才是
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