關 鍵 詞: |
遠端電腦搜索;搜索;扣押;合理隱私期待;通訊監察 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
remote computer search;search;seizure;reasonable expectation of privacy;communication surveillance |
英文摘要: |
Internet plays a very important role in people's daily life. In order to respond cybercrimes and computer crimes which are more and more common, the government employs remote computer searches in criminal investigation. Remote computer search is necessary to the investigation because of the features of those crimes. Many countries in America and Europe have adopted remote computer search as an investigative method. In addition, the Council of the European Union encourages member states to use remote computer search to combat cybercrimes. People have reasonable expectations of privacy in the files and information stored in their computers. Therefore, the conduct of remote computer search constitutes the search within the meaning of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Moreover, copying files constitutes seizure. Remote computer search, however, is not communication surveillance. The intrusion of rights results from remote computer search is much more than from searches and seizure, and is similar with commun ication. Therefore, the regulations governing remote computer search should be in line with the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Communication Security and Surveillance Act.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、網際網路的特性 參、遠端電腦搜索 一、概念及個案中的運作 二、遠端電腦搜索於犯罪偵查上的必要性 三、歐美等國家的情況 (一)美國 (二)歐洲各國 四、小結 肆、遠端電腦搜索的性質歸屬 一、搜索及扣押 (一)目標電腦內檔案的搜尋 (二)複製檔案與扣押 二、通訊監察 三、不僅是搜索 四、小結 伍、所應遵循的要件及程序 一、令狀原則及相當理由 二、令狀原則的例外 三、重罪原則 四、特定明確原則 五、最小侵害原則 六、有效期間 七、夜間搜索的禁止(?) 八、事後通知 九、取得檔案清單的付與及資料的銷燬 十、外部監督 十一、證據排除 十二、第三人的協力 陸、結論
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
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