關 鍵 詞: |
代理教師;文義解釋;教師員額編制 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Substitute Teacher;Grammatical Interpretation;Teacher Establishment |
英文摘要: |
This study tried to use “Document Analysis” and aggregate relevant laws and regulations about substitute teachers at high schools and elementary schools in Taiwan, discussed the noun definition and the legality of corresponding job assignment about substitute teachers from the viewpoint of grammatical interpretation and teacher establishment. In addition, the discussions of tenure, remuneration and various seniority (Pre-service years, Comfort leave, Retirement) about substitute teachers all were the focus of attention within this study. Last, according to the research results, this study suggested to appoint substitute teachers at High Schools and Elementary Schools.
目 次: |
一、前言 二、「代理教師」名詞定義之辨正與職務安排 三、編制內教師出缺期間,外聘全職、專任之教學人員的相關人事配套 四、 關於不定期契約聘用專任教師之職前服務年資追認等諸規範 五、結語與建議
相關法條: |
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相關論著: |