關 鍵 詞: |
特別公課;財政型特別公課;引導型特別公課;租稅國家;財政憲法 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Special Common Levies;Financing Special Common Levies;Guiding Special Common Levies;Tax State;Financial Constitution |
英文摘要: |
The Constitutional Court holds a positive attitude toward the special common levies. The relevant theories also refers to the requirements of special common levies established by the German Federal Constitutional Court as the basis to review the special common levies in Taiwan. However, if we analyze the special common levies based on the practice and theories of German constitutional law, which is the source of this concept, we would find that one should treat this fiscal policy more seriously. There were several criticisms on the requirements and practices of special common levies established by the German Federal Constitutional Court. This article aims to review the development of the theories on special common levies in Germany, distinguish between the special common levies in the narrow sense and that in the broad sense, and discuss the different constitutional requirements on these different kinds of special common levies in order to establish the criteria to determine the constitutionality of special common levies.
目 次: |
壹、問題提出、方法立場與論述步驟 貳、特別公課的發展與定位 一、特別公課的歷史發展 二、稅與非稅公課 三、特別公課作為財政工具的疑慮 (一)危及基本法中財政憲法的秩序功能 (二)危及預算計畫的完整性 (三)危及公課義務者間的負擔平等性 參、特別公課的憲法框架 一、概念特徵與類型 二、Christian Thiemann 對於非稅公課體系的重構 三、特別公課的憲法要求 (一)憲法法院的基本立場 (二)財政功能之狹義特別公課 (三)廣義特別公課 (四)審查及控制機制 肆、結語:憲法裁判機關的共同形塑權力 附錄:本文所引德國聯邦憲法法院裁判列表
相關法條: |
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相關論著: |