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少女從娼原因與防治策略之研究(An Exploration to The Causes and Prevention Strategy for Juvenile Prostitution)
編著譯者: 鄭瑞隆
出版日期: 1997.12
刊登出處: 台灣/犯罪學期刊第 3 期/85-119 頁
頁  數: 33 點閱次數: 372
下載點數: 132 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 鄭瑞隆
關 鍵 詞: 娼妓性工作者不幸少女
中文摘要: 娼妓雖是人類社會最古老的行業,但對於未滿十八歲而從事色情行業者,不論其是自願與否,我們社會及國家法令均予以嚴厲禁止,因為他們身心未臻成熟,需要特別的保護。為了要瞭解少女從娼之原因,並據以提出防治策略,研究者對收容於台灣省立雲林教養院之從娼少女進行深度訪談,總計訪談三十位少女。訪談內容均作成書面札記,並以互動模式質的分析法加以整理、分析、比較,並作成結論。本研究發現,從娼少女絕大多數為國中程度,學業成績低落且輟學比例偏高;家庭結構破碎、家庭功能失調、家人關係疏離、及父母親之親職角色無力等,是導致少女輟學離家,以致誤入歧途的最根本推力,而經濟及物質需求乃是造成少女從娼的最直接原因。從娼少女絕大多數第一次性行為發生時間甚早,結交過多位男友,曾意外懷孕比例很高,六成以上從事坐檯陪酒,享樂主義思想濃厚,不善於管理金錢,對未來人生常感到茫然。她們想賺大錢之目標與其偏低之教育水準及畏苦怕累之習性恰好矛盾,從娼前之就業型態及友伴交往,對於其走入色情行業有明顯的催化作用。從娼少女之價值觀念及合理化想法,對其從娼之行為有強化作用。本研究認為要防治少女從娼之病態,必須從健全家庭結構、功能及強化親職責任與親子關係著手,並落實中小學校之兩性教育,建立專業的學校輔導及社工系統,加強中輟學生追蹤輔導;對於物慾橫流、笑貧不笑娼、及喜好幼齒的社會病態,亦應徹底扭正。
英文摘要: Although prostitution is one of the oldest occupation in the human society, adolescents younger than 18 should be banned from serving in sex enterprises. Unfortunately, there are more and more female adolescents entering the indecent service either willingly or unwillingly. In order to explore the causes and propose effective prevention strategy, the researcher interviewed 30 incarcerated female adolescents who had been arrested and convicted with the charge of serving in prostitution sites. Qualitative data analysis was undertaken. Some meaningful findings are briefed as follows.
Juvenile prostitution are largely poorly educated or finding themselves unhappy or unpleasant in schools. Most of them come from single-parent families or families with multiple problems: chaos, dysfunctional parental guidance, poor sibling relationships, disharmonious parental relationships, abusive parents, or criminal families. Dropping out of school, hanging out of home, smoking, drinking, and having early dating and sexual relations are their common features. Earning much money with lesser labor is their general reason for serving in sex service. They always follow the principle of pleasure, indulge in the pursuit of material enjoyment, have very little thinking of traditional value, and do not have clear career planning. Jobs and companions before sex service indeed have much influence to their entering into sex service.
To prevent the worsening of the juvenile prostitution problem, the research proposes that we need to restore the value, structure, and function of family, begin educating children and adolescents about sex-equality and contraception, establish professional social work and guidance system in school, and cure the pathological phenomenon in our society.
目  次: 一、問題背景
鄭瑞隆,少女從娼原因與防治策略之研究,犯罪學期刊,第 3 期,85-119 頁,1997年12月。