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當信託與保險相遇-受託人為受益人之利益投保保險之權限、風險及監控(When Trust Meets Insurance: Competence, Risk and Supervision of the Trustee’s Obtaining Insurance for Benefits of the Beneficiary)
編著譯者: 王志誠何曜琛
出版日期: 2018.06
刊登出處: 台灣/財金法學研究第 1 卷 第 1 期/1-26 頁
頁  數: 26 點閱次數: 2091
下載點數: 104 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 王志誠
關 鍵 詞: 信託受託人受益人保險利益道德風險
中文摘要: 我國雖然因增訂保險法第一三八條之二規定,明定保險業得辦理保險金信託業務,並得約定保險金分期給付,但迄今尚未有任何保險業者開辦保險金信託業務。事實上,為貫徹被保險人照顧保險受益人之初衷,目前信託業已開發將保險結合信託之保險金信託業務,期能透過保險與信託制度之結合,而使保險理賠金之管理運用更為安全,並落實保障保險受益人(同時為信託受益人)之目的,維護保險受益人權益。
英文關鍵詞: TrustTrusteeBeneficiaryInsurable InterestMoral Hazard
英文摘要: Although Article 138-2 of the Insurance Act states that an insurance enterprise may provide insurance trust services and may stipulate the payment of policy proceeds in installments, there is no insurance enterprise offering insurance trust services in Taiwan. In fact, for the purposes of carrying out the intention of looking after the insurance beneficiary, trust enterprise presently has developed insurance in combination with insurance trust services under trust. It is hoped that throughout the combination of the insurance and trust systems, management and operation of the amount of insurance claims can be safer in order to protect and maintain the interests of insurance beneficiaries (also trust beneficiaries).
This article starts from going over the risk of trustee’s obtaining insurance as well as related interpretation disputes. From the viewpoints of comparative law, this article further analyzes a major concern, whether the business should be permitted to the trust enterprise in regards to its assuming the position as proposer by following the trustor’s instruction to obtain insurance of the person for the benefits of trust beneficiaries. Moreover, the risk hazard and supervision devices to be arisen therein are examined should the trust enterprise obtain insurance of the person for the beneficiary’s benefits. Finally, a concise conclusion with suggestions is made.
目  次: 壹、楔子
王志誠、何曜琛,當信託與保險相遇-受託人為受益人之利益投保保險之權限、風險及監控,財金法學研究,第 1 卷 第 1 期,1-26 頁,2018年06月。