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中華民國(台灣)在法國法院之地位:以巴貝特館產案爲例(The Status of ROC (Taiwan) in French Courts: An Example from Case Papeete)
編著譯者: 許耀明
出版日期: 2009.06
刊登出處: 台灣/台灣國際法季刊第 6 卷 第 2 期/7-27 頁
頁  數: 14 點閱次數: 802
下載點數: 56 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 許耀明
關 鍵 詞: 中華民國(台灣)巴貝特當事人能力國家承認國家繼承
中文摘要: 本文從 1978、2004、2008 三個關於中華民國或華僑團體在大溪地首都 Papeete 之不動產相關判決,討論中華民國在法國法院利用訴訟途徑尋求民事法律救濟之可能性。在當事人能力方面,巴黎上訴法院於 2008 判決中特別指出,中華民國此等權利不因其外交處境而受影響,也不因其未為國際社會以及法國認定為國家,而欠缺此一權利能力而受影響。雖此等認定並非對於中華民國之國家承認,唯此當可為日後中華民國在他國法院欲進行民事訴訟之明確判決先例。在實體方面,三個判決分別認定系爭不動產為親國民黨之華僑團體所有、中華人民共和國所有,復認定為華僑團體所有。在 2004 判決中,法院特別提出國家連續原則,此點是否可能成為法國最高法院最後判決之依據?然此尚須先認定系爭不動產為中華民國所有,後續判決值得追蹤。
英文關鍵詞: ROC (Taiwan)PappeeteCapacity of PartyRecognition of StateSuccession of State
英文摘要: From three cases raised continuously in 1978, 2004 and 2008 about the ownership of some real estate used as Embassy of Republic of China (ROC) in Tahiti in Tahitian and French courts, this article discusses the possible legal status of ROC as a party in French civil procedures. In the 2008 ruling of Paris Appeal Court, it is said that even though the statehood of ROC is neither recognized by international society nor by French authorities, and for that diplomatic reason it lacks its legal status in international arena, but its capacity of being a party in a civil procedure is not influenced at all. Although such a ruling can not be explained as some tacit recognition of the statehood of ROC by French authority, it constitutes a clear precedent that could be claimed by ROC in possible civil disputes in other countries in the future. In the substantive parts, these three rulings separate their opinions about the judgments of ownership of the real estates. Some estimated that it is owned by some Chinese society who is pro-ROC. But some other said that the People's Republic of China is legally the real owner, based on the principle of the continuity of state especially pronounced to justify such a judgment in 2004 ruling. Is it possible that the Cour de Cassation (the French Supreme Court) would follow such a principle, even though legally the premise that the ROC was once the owner should be established? Let's wait and see.
目  次: 壹、前言
一、1978 巴貝特館產案判決(確認不動產所有人訴訟)
二、2004 巴貝特館產案判決(第三人撤銷訴訟)
一、2008 巴貝特館產案判決(巴黎上訴法院)
許耀明,中華民國(台灣)在法國法院之地位:以巴貝特館產案爲例,台灣國際法季刊,第 6 卷 第 2 期,7-27 頁,2009年06月。