關 鍵 詞: |
過失犯;不作為犯;作為義務;注意義務;結果迴避義務;預見可能性 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
negligence;omission;duty of act;duty of care to the others;the duty of eliminating risky result;foreseeability |
英文摘要: |
Traditionally, legal theory distinguishes omission and negligence by the difference between duty of act and duty of care. Therefore, if someone violates his legal duty to prevent harm to the society, his conduct will be regarded as omission; On the other side, if someone breaches the duty of care toward others his conduct will be regarded as negligence. This traditional distinguishment seems persuasive and clear. However, in practice, if someone’s behavior is negligent, he may not only violates the duty of act, but also the duty of care to the others simultaneously. Therefore, clarifying the relationship between those two duties is theoretically essential. The strategy I adopt to analyze this topic is comparing and analyzing theories related to this issue in Taiwan and Japan. By doing comparative law analysis, I come to the conclusion that if we divide duty of care into two categories─“eliminating risky result” and “foreseeability”, we must distinguish the duty of act from foreseeability, due to the reason that the objects between those two duties are different. Meanwhile, distinguishing the duty of act and “eliminating risky result” is redundant, because not only the object, but also the purpose of these two duties are the same.
目 次: |
壹、問題的發生與我國議論的現狀 一、作為義務與注意義務的交錯:過失不作為犯 二、我國的議論現狀與問題 三、以日本法為比較法素材的理由 四、小結:問題討論的實益與比較法對象 貳、日本過失犯理論的發展與問題的起源 一、早期的過失犯論:主觀面的「應注意」 二、議論重心的轉變與問題的發生 三、早期的解決方法及其問題:作為與不作為的區分 四、小結:新舊過失論構造與分析的方法 參、日本舊過失論下的區別說 一、區別結果預見義務(預見可能性)與結果迴避義務 二、以義務的功能區分 三、強調結果迴避義務的獨立意義 四、小結 肆、日本新過失論下的區別說 一、強調結果預見義務與作為義務的不同 二、過失不作為犯只適用注意義務 三、以義務的功能區分 四、小 結 伍、本文的見解:統合結果迴避義務與作為義務 一、區別說的共識與問題 二、區別失敗的原因分析 三、本文見解:放棄在客觀上的區別 四、小結 陸、代結論:見解回顧與進一步發展的可能性
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