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修復式正義工作模式之研究-以衝突調解模式為中心(A study on Practice Mode of Restorative Justice: A Comment to the Conflict Mediation)
編著譯者: 柴漢熙陳祥美蔣大偉李瑞典
出版日期: 2018.08
刊登出處: 台灣/軍法專刊第 64 卷 第 4 期/62-87 頁
頁  數: 26 點閱次數: 1864
下載點數: 104 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 軍法專刊社 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 修復式正義工作模式衝突調解模式
中文摘要: 修復式正義的理念,經由發想到實踐,已經從刑事案件(成年與少年犯罪事件)擴展運用校園、軍隊、甚至是職場領域。衝突事件的修復歷程,必須經由訓練有素的工作者運用相關核心知識與技能,導引事件的加害人與被害人在修復會議對話,進而達成協議。就以工作者的角度,此一歷程即為修復式正義的工作模式。
全球主要推動修復式正義的國家均有其工作模式,不僅作為工作者的執業依據,亦為監督者的考評基準。修復式正義實踐歷程的工作模式,主要是運用助人工作的溝通模式,形成兩造當事人對話為目的,自有其文化背景。北美地區的「被害人與加害人調解模式」(Victim Offender Mediation, VOM)模式所呈現的是指導原則(Guidelines),英國與紐西蘭採取工作準則(Best Practice Guidance),澳洲則依據各州所採取的模式而有不同的工作模式,形式上大抵採調解方式,但少年事件如同紐西蘭,採取家庭團體會議(Family Group Conferencing, FGC)。至於非官方組織如國際復和實踐機構(International Institute for Restorative Practices, IIRP)則提出「真實的正義」(Real Justice)工作模式,以腳本(Script)架構幫助工作者順利的主持會議,同時也無需參與密集的調解或諮商訓練。不論何者,彼等工作模式均以導引對話作為工作導向、以簡要原則提示作為會議主持步驟。
我國於 2011 年推行修復式司法方案,國家政策明訂採取 VOM,但並未進一步的提出指導原則。非政府組織則以「中華修復促進協會」於 2016 年提出「衝突調解模式(Conflict Mediation, CM)作為修復式司法之工作模式,同時也全面應用於空軍修復式程序。我國修復式正義於 2017 年「司法改革國是會議」決議,將立法明訂進入司法程序,這也意味著修復式正義的工作經由法制化的結果,將更加精緻與嚴謹,工作模式是確立修復式正義發展的基石。
英文關鍵詞: Practice ModeRestorative JusticeConflict Mediation
英文摘要: The concept of restorative justice, form notion to practice, has been applied from criminal cases (including adult and juvenile delinquency) to the campus, the military and even the workplace. The process of restorative justice must be involved the relevant core knowledge and skills by well-trained practitioners and with dialogue between the offenders and victims in the restorative conference facilitated by practitioners. This is restorative justice practice mode.
The main countries in the world that promoted the practice of restorative justice all have their own practice mode, which not only served as the basis for the restorative justice practice but also serve as the benchmark for the supervision. The practice mode of the restorative justice practice mainly uses the helping skills through communication to form the restorative dialogue. This means the practice mode of restorative justice has its own cultural background. The Victim Offender Mediation (VOM) mode in North America shows the guidelines, the UK adopts the Best Practice Guidance same as New Zealand, while Australia has different practice mode based on the practice type taken by the states. Most practice has shaped into VOM, but the juvenile cases would go to the Family Group Conferencing (FGC) mode as the New Zealand. For non-government organizations such as the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP), the "Real Justice" practice mode has proposed which via the script structure that helps practitioners to conduct restorative conference successfully. At the same time, there is no need to engage in intensive mediation or counseling training sessions. No matter what, they all initiated in dialogue as goal-oriented and presented brief principles as the practitioners practice steps.
In 2011, our country implemented a restorative justice program, and its national policy explicitly adopted the Victim Offender Mediation (VOM). However, no guidelines were put forward. As NGO, the Chinese Restorative Justice Association promoted the Conflict Mediation (CM) model in 2016 as a practice mode for restorative justice and is also fully employed by the Air Force’s Restorative Procedures. Our country's restorative justice program will be legislation by resolution of The Judicial Reform Conference in 2017, and restorative justice program will be enacted into the judicial procedures. This also means that the restorative justice will be refined and rigorous. Thus, the establishment of a practice mode is the cornerstone of development.
目  次: 壹、前言
二、英國:「修復式司法工作準則」(Best Practice Guidance for Restorative Practitioners)
四、國際復和實踐機構(International Institute for Restorative Practices, IIRP)、香港:「腳本模式」(The Script)
肆、衝突調解模式(Conflict Mediation)
柴漢熙、陳祥美、蔣大偉、李瑞典,修復式正義工作模式之研究-以衝突調解模式為中心,軍法專刊,第 64 卷 第 4 期,62-87 頁,2018年08月。