關 鍵 詞: |
行政自主餘地;判斷餘地;不確定法律概念 |
中文摘要: |
在行政拘束性與自由性的背景下,行政就不確定法律概念的操作與其司法審查被稱為不僅是行政法中有如「惡魔的問題」(quaestio diabolica),同時也是一項「永恆的課題」(quaestio perpetua)。本文希望能透過德國學理上的一些反思,嘗試提供一些不同的觀察。若欲探究不確定法律概念所彰顯的行政自主餘地及其界限,首要之務應先回溯及立法者的授權規範。唯有在立法者所為的授權規範已然明顯或可得探求時,始得肯認行政於個案中享有自主餘地。事實上,由此授權規範出發,也才能夠正確界定司法應介入審查的權限與義務範圍。
英文關鍵詞: |
Administrative Autonomy;Authorized Discretion;Indefinite Legal Concept |
英文摘要: |
Against the background of administrative restraints and autonomy, the application of the indefinite legal concepts by the administration and the judicial review of such applications are not only the quaestio diabolica in the administrative laws but also a quaestio perpetua. This article tries to provide some different observations from the analysis of Germany laws. If one wants to explore the idea of the administrative autonomy which is shown by the applications of indefinite legal concepts and the boundaries of such autonomy, the first thing needed to be done is to look for the laws passed by the legislators that authorize such applications. Only when the laws passed by the legislators that authorize such applications are clear or can be traced, we may recognize the existence of the administrative autonomy in the separate situations. In fact, this is the only way one can define to what extend the court should/may review such administrative action.
目 次: |
壹、問題意識與論述步驟 貳、不確定法律概念與判斷餘地的基本立場 一、法律語句下的不確定法律概念 二、唯一正確決定命題 三、原則與例外模式 四、類型思維下的判斷餘地 五、我國司法實務及學理的基本立場 參、行政自主餘地 一、法概念的確定與不確定 二、對於不確定法律概念與裁量二分法的質疑 三、規範授權理論的反思 肆、結論
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