關 鍵 詞: |
犯罪統計;跨境犯罪;跨國犯罪;跨區犯罪 |
中文摘要: |
犯罪統計的資料,可以提供政府機關及學術研究作為研擬或提出規範檢討或刑事政策因應之用。現代社會為全球化的生活型態,加以兩岸交流互動持續深化,「跨境(域、國、區)犯罪」日益頻繁,不論是在犯罪預防、現行刑事規範之檢討、新型態犯罪類型之入罪化等相關方面之研究或研討,亟需相關犯罪統計資料的提供。 惟「跨境(域、國、區)犯罪」概念目前國內尚僅在犯罪學領域有較多研究與探討,刑法規範學領域目前尚待研究。國內有關犯罪統計之研究整理,因受限於資料取得以及經費、資源等條件,初級資料之統計調查僅能由職掌犯罪偵查、起訴與審理權責的官方進行;次級資料之統計研究,亦多需在官方支持、主導下,委託民間學術團隊進行。 本文就跨境犯罪相關概念進行探討,分別從刑法規範學以及犯罪事實學不同立場下的概念界定,提出看法;最後,再從犯罪統計實際運作,檢討其可行性。
英文關鍵詞: |
Crime Statistics;Cross-border Crime;Transnational Crime;Cross-area Crime |
英文摘要: |
Crime statistics data can be provided to government agencies and academic reference. Then they can have amended laws elaboration or propose specific criminal policies. Since the nature of modern society is global lifestyle, cross-strait exchanges is continuing to strengthen, relevant cross-border crimes have become increasingly frequent, so we need related crime statistics data. However, the study of the concept of relevant cross-border crime, more domestic science in the field of crime, criminal law field, there are insufficient. Studies on crime statistics in our country, the primary data of the survey carried out only by the judiciary; statistical study of secondary data, also need to support by the judiciary. This article related to relevant cross-border crime Coming to study to explore, respectively, to define the concept of criminal law and criminology at the different positions, finally, the actual operation from the crime statistics, to review its feasibility.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、國內犯罪統計之現狀 參、跨境犯罪相關概念之探討 肆、代結論-犯罪統計執行可能性之檢討
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