關 鍵 詞: |
教育法;美國最高法院;教科書;憲法;言論自由;政教分離;宗教自由;觀點歧視 |
中文摘要: |
本文打算從美國教育法及法院重要判決之角度,研究美國各州對中小學教科書的管制,包括各州對私立學校之課綱管制或課本刪選爭議,乃至各州對公立學校課綱管制爭議、選書爭議等等,進行有系統的介紹。先介紹州政府對私立中小學之課程與教科書之管制,包括美國聯邦最高法院最重要之 Meyer v. Nebraska 案、Board of Education v. Allen 等案。進而,則介紹州政府對公立中小學之課程綱要之管制,尤其會深入介紹引發美國高度討論的,州立法機關立法限制講授進化論之爭議,包括最高法院之 Epperson 案和 Edwards v. Aguillard 案等。再者,進入美國公立學校教科書選書制度之爭議,該段會先介紹各州選書制度,以及在刪選可採用教科書時因觀點歧視而引發的爭議,以及各校區實際用書時引發的爭議。最後,由於臺灣之教科書制度,屢次引發高度爭議,雖然本文主要乃研究美國相關判決,但在參考美國判決後,也嘗試以美國角度回頭看臺灣之爭議,進行簡單比較。
英文關鍵詞: |
Curriculum;Textbook Selection;Free Speech;Establishment Clause;Viewpoint Discrimination;U.S. Supreme Courts |
英文摘要: |
This paper discusses several disputes raised in recently years regarding educational policies on elementary and secondary schools’ textbooks: “One outline multiple versions” as well as “one outline one version.” For comparative law analysis, this paper examines some important U.S. cases decisions about curriculum and textbook selection. Through these cases analysis, I want to studies the degree to which each state regulates elementary and secondary schools’ curriculum. It can be divides in to three parts. First, we can see how mush each state will regulate their private school, especially curriculum. Second, there has been prohibition to teach Evolution Theory in public school, and the U.S. Supreme Court use Establishment Clause in First Amendment to invalid these statues. Third, in the textbook selection, there are some federal circuit courts cases dealing the issue, taking a reasonable criteria to examines the viewpoint discrimination in textbook adoption, and some other circuit courts taking different standard holding that textbook is government speech which not be examined by free speech. After introducing U.S. courts decisions, this paper poses suggestions on Taiwan’s textbook policies by comparing with American policies.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、對私立中小學的課程與教科書干預 一、禁止私立學校外語教育違憲 二、對私立學校的最低管制要求 三、補助私立中小學購買課本 四、小結 參、約束公立中小學之課程 一、州議會限制講授進化論 二、州議會規定種族屠殺課綱:Griswold v. Driscoll 案 三、小結 肆、刪選可購買課本 一、教科書選用制 二、選書時有歧視 三、家長要求更換課本 四、小結 伍、從美國經驗回看臺灣爭議 一、美國案例類型歸納 二、對私立中小學之過度管制 三、課綱爭議 四、教科書審查爭議 五、統一選書爭議 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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