關 鍵 詞: |
沒收;食品業;食品犯罪;資格刑;罰金刑 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Confiscation;Food Enterprise;Food Crime;Qualification-Punishment;Fine |
英文摘要: |
Having improved socio-economic positions, most of people are pursuing not only “eating full” but also “eating healthy”, has become a common view as regards healthy diets. As far as the food safety in Taiwan is concerned, it still remains a number of problems. However, there are some problems in “food hygiene and safety”. Those problems make the people anxious, especially, many large companies sell unethical food. In Taiwan, there is Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation to regulate “Food Companies Crime”. Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation Article 49.5, “Where the representative of a legal entity or the agent, employees or other practitioners of a legal entity or natural person that commit the offenses from Paragraphs 1 to 3 during the performance of duties, not only shall the wrongdoer be punished but the legal entity or natural person shall also be fined not more than ten times of the fine stipulated in the respective preceding paragraphs.” However, there are some troubles need to solve in the legal system. In addition, this paper suggests legislators to apply Qualification-Punishment to an illegal food enterprise.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、食品業法人的犯罪 一、食品業法人的犯罪能力 二、食品業法人的犯罪論斷 參、食品業法人犯罪的處罰規定 一、罰金 二、沒收及其替代措施 (一)沒收的規定 (二)追徵或抵償 (三)食安犯罪所得的估價 肆、對食品業法人處罰規範的建議 一、修正倍比罰金規定 二、增加資格刑的可能 伍、結語
相關法條: |
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