關 鍵 詞: |
徬徨;死刑;死緩;少年法;被害人 |
中文摘要: |
日本作家東野圭吾的《徬徨之刃》,以簡單故事情節,營造一齣充滿徬徨,供人省思的故事;同時,對於當前法律制度提出醒語,並質疑少年法的功能是否喪失,展現關懷犯罪被害人保護的胸襟。 由本書延伸的死刑議題上,本文以為死刑宜慎不宜廢,因為理性上死刑存有應報與一般預防功能,感情上更彰顯人民對於公平正義的期待。法律不能只是僵硬的邏輯,制定與適用上,更應顧及情理,若忽略人類情感,法律只是理性崇拜下的產物。此外,唯有心平氣靜才能與徬徨絕緣,也才有機會追尋生命更高的境界。
英文關鍵詞: |
Wandering;Death Penalty;Death Penalty with Reprieve;Juvenile Law;Crime Victim |
英文摘要: |
“The Hovering Blade (Samayou Yaiba)”, written by Keigo Higashino (Japan), is an inspiring detective story. This story evokes a deep insight into human nature and current law. It also discusses the function for juvenile law, protection to victim, and death penalty issues. The spirituality of death penalty is not only for symbolizing justice but also to preventing occurrence of crime. In this article, the author first disagree the abatement of death penalty and claims a strict enforcement of death penalty. Next, current law is essential for protecting people's feeling to justice is illustrated. Finally, pursuing a high level wellness with a peaceful mind is suggested. After reading this story, it is hoped that people could live with no doubt.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、生命的徬徨者 一、痛苦的兇手與困惑的員警 二、不安少年與無奈父母 三、猶豫的第三人 參、法律制度的徬徨 一、少年犯罪制度的寬嚴 二、對被害人的保護欠缺 肆、死刑制度的徬徨-宜慎不宜廢 一、死刑廢止不適宜 二、審慎的死刑制度 伍、走出生命的徬徨 陸、結論
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