關 鍵 詞: |
有利害關係之第三人;關係人;關係人交易;資訊揭露 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Third Parties Having a Related Interest;Related Party;Related Party Transaction;Information Disclosure |
英文摘要: |
There are various financial business acts which regulate the related party transaction in Taiwan. However, based on the different legislative purpose and legislative policy, there is no completely consistent regulation about the definition of related party transaction, the types of transaction and the normative model. This study introduces the basic conception of how a financial holding group or insurance company can lawfully engage in transaction with third parties having a related interest or engage in transaction with third parties in which transaction, the related party are involved. Besides, the study also analyses the derivative issues, trading restrictions and information disclosure mechanisms, and tries to clarify practical disputes and resolve doubts about the application of laws. In the end, the study will provide a conclusion and suggestion about the practical problems mentioned above.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、「與有利害關係之第三人進行交易」之概念 參、「與第三人進行有關係人參與之交易」之概念 肆、金控集團或保險業從事「與有利害關係之第三人進行交易」或「與第三人進行有關係人參與之交易」之限制 伍、金控集團或保險業從事「與有利害關係之第三人進行交易」或「與第三人進行有關係人參與之交易」之資訊接露 陸、結論與建議
相關法條: |
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相關論著: |