關 鍵 詞: |
參與;累犯;犯罪組織;組織犯罪;跨境犯罪;證人保護 |
中文摘要: |
組織犯罪防制條例的立法在於「防制組織犯罪,以維護社會秩序,保障人民權益」,是臺灣抗制組織犯罪的主要法律。然而,自 1996 年 12 月組織犯罪防制條例公布施行以來,迄今已有廿年,在這段時間,臺灣社會與世界環境歷經諸多改變,但組織犯罪防制條例卻欠缺相對應的通盤檢討,對於犯罪組織的認定,乃至於組織犯罪的法制,恐難完全符合當代社會的需要;於此同時,司法實務在追訴組織犯罪的刑事案件時,時有發生法律適用的歧見,亦應有研析的需要。本於人類群聚的天性,反映在犯罪,組織犯罪的現象必然存在,且組織犯罪可能侵害人民權益,敗壞社會治安、經濟秩序及民主政治,造成諸多亂象。是故,關於組織犯罪的法制,實有認真思考改進的必要性。
英文關鍵詞: |
Participant;Recidivism;Criminal Organization;Organized Crime;Cross-border Crime;Witness Protectio |
英文摘要: |
In Taiwan, the Organized Crime Prevention Act is established to prevent organized criminal activities and to maintain social order and protect the interests of the public. We should pay attention to understand legislators made the Organized Crime Prevention Act in December 1996; to date, legislators did not truly comprehensive review of the Act. However, during this time, 1996-2016, Taiwan society and world situation has undergone many changes, the Organized Crime Prevention Act should be amended with the needs of society. Simultaneously, court feel troubled in organized crime case. People clustered together for living is human nature. Because of this, offenders may gather for making criminal organizations. Criminal organizations not only infringe individual rights, but also disrupt public, economic and democracy order, resulting in big confusion. It can be seen we must pay close attention in the legal system of organized crime.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、犯罪組織的意涵 一、犯罪組織的脈絡 二、犯罪組織的認定 參、組織犯罪的行為規範 一、組織成員的犯罪行為 二、非組織成員的犯罪行為 肆、組織犯罪防制條例的修法建議 一、毋庸明文規定處罰的行為態樣 二、再犯組織罪加重處罰的廢止 三、組織犯罪特別立法的重新考慮 伍、結語
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