關 鍵 詞: |
歐盟;地理標示;原產地標示;商標;消費者保護;智慧財產權 |
中文摘要: |
產品地理標示源自於歐洲國家的法國、西班牙與義大利,逐步發展形成一個保護農產品地理標示與原產地標示制度,並公布一個地理標示規章,以規範農產品與食品的原產地標示與地理標示。歐盟以其整合的經濟實力在 WTO 的架構下影響著地理標示與原產地標示的國際保護發展,使地理標示逐漸成為一個全球的現象。地理標示為產品標章的一種類型,一直被視為是智慧財產權的一種類型。本文希望闡明歐盟的地理標示制度與法律架構,探究歐盟對地理標示獨立立法的緣由與法制化的發展演進,藉以闡述地理標示保護之意涵;接著說明歐盟地理標示保護規範的具體內容;最後闡述歐盟地理標示規範對我國地理標示規範的啓示,以作為我國未來修法的參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
European Union;Geographical Indication;Designation of Origin;Trade Mark;Consumer Protection;Intellectual Property Rights |
英文摘要: |
The geographical indications of products originate from the European countries, such as France, Spain and Italy. It has gradually developed a protection system for the agricultural products. The European Union has enacted a regulation for protecting geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs. The European Union has contributed through its economic power to establishing the legal framework of the geographical indications within the World Trade Organization. Hence, the protection of geographical indications has become an international system. The geographical indication is one of the intellectual property rights according to the TRIPS. This thesis works on the EU’s system, legal framework, background and development of geographical indications to do research regarding the significance of the geographical indication protection. Subsequently, it focuses on the concrete contents of the EU Regulation of the Geographical Indications. Finally, it draws a conclusion whether the EU’s protection system of geographical indications could be taken an example to reform Taiwan’s protection system of geographical indications.
目 次: |
壹、前言:研究動機與目的 貳、歐盟法制下地理標示之意涵 一、地理標示作為共同農業政策重要的工具 二、地理標示在農業政策上之意義 三、『地理標示』與『商標』之異同 參、歐盟單一市場與地理標示保護 一、地理標示法制化的發展演進 二、歐洲法院案例發展對地理標示法保護制化的影響 肆、歐盟地理標示保護規範的內容 一、明確的界定地理標示、原產地標示、種類標示與通用名稱 二、雙軌的標示保護制度 三、同名的第三國地理標示 四、已登記的地理標示與商標之競合關係 伍、代結語:歐盟地理標示規範對我國地理標示規範的啓示
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