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論現金逐出合併與少數股東權利保障-簡評釋字第 770 號大法官會議解釋(Study on Cash-out Mergers and Protections for Minority Shareholders: A Brief Comment on J.Y. Interpretation No. 770)
編著譯者: 林國全陳健豪
出版日期: 2019.06
刊登出處: 台灣/財金法學研究第 2 卷 第 2 期/179-196 頁
頁  數: 17 點閱次數: 2041
下載點數: 68 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 中華財金法學會 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 現金逐出合併少數股東利益迴避資訊揭露公平價格
中文摘要: 如何保護少數股東之權利,乃現金逐出合併長久以來之爭議。而司法院釋字第 770 號解釋無疑是一個在憲法層次給予此問題明確論述的指標性解釋。本號解釋基於企業併購法制中不完善之「資訊揭露」與「確保公平價格」機制,致使少數股東權利遭受侵害,而給予所有被逐出之股東聲請法院裁定收買價格之救濟。就此,雖然解釋理由書詳盡闡述利害關係股東與董事迴避表決與否和資訊揭露之不充分對於少數股東權利之影響,及指摘無法確保被逐出股東獲得公平價格之現況,惟若從現金逐出合併之特徵觀察此等法制不備之處,似得以更深入發現並理解本號解釋所欲探討之問題核心。因此,本文擬藉由解釋現金逐出合併之性質及少數股東權利保護之轉變,以分析本號解釋觸及之各項爭點,並就此等疑問提出淺見。
英文關鍵詞: Cash-out MergersMinority ShareholdersAvoidance of Conflict of InterestInformation DisclosureFair Value
英文摘要: There is a long-standing debate when it comes to the way to protect the minority shareholders in cash-out mergers. As an iconic legal interpretation, there is no doubt that J.Y. Interpretation No. 770 gave a definite opinion as to it from the point of view of Constitution. Such interpretation confirmed the right to bring an action under the appraisal right for all frozen-out shareholders due to the minority shareholders’ invaded situation resulted from the defects in the mechanisms of “information disclosure” and “fair value”. In terms of the reasoning, the interpretation has elaborated on the influence which comes from the avoidance of interested parties and the imperfect information disclosure, and pointed out the current situation in which the frozen-out shareholders are not ensured to have fair value. However, it is still capable of finding out and understanding the problem within the system of M&A laws more deeply from the characteristics of cash-out mergers. Therefore, this paper will analyze all issues indicated in the interpretation and provide opinions with explaining the attribute of cash-out mergers and the transformation of the protections for the minority shareholders.
目  次: 壹、前言
貳、釋字第 770 號解釋之爭點
林國全、陳健豪,論現金逐出合併與少數股東權利保障-簡評釋字第 770 號大法官會議解釋,財金法學研究,第 2 卷 第 2 期,179-196 頁,2019年06月。