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論我國公司法下董事失格制度之建構(The Establishment of Directors Disqualification Mechanism under Taiwan’s Corporate Law)
編著譯者: 郭大維
出版日期: 2018.12
刊登出處: 台灣/輔仁法學第 56 期/35-75 頁
頁  數: 41 點閱次數: 810
下載點數: 164 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 輔仁大學法律學院 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 董事失格董事投資人保護公司法英國法
中文摘要: 我國公司法雖然對於董事之資格有所要求,且訂有董事解任之規定,以淘汰不適任之董事,惟在現行法制下,無論是股東會決議解任或透過法院裁判解任董事,皆有一定的難度,且實務上屢屢發生不適任之董事遭解任後,仍然掌控公司經營大權之情事。相較於我國,英國對於不適任之公司董事有所謂董事失格制度,限制其於一定時間內擔任公司負責人之資格或參與公司經營,使不適任之董事可迅速被排除於公司經營者範圍之外,以生嚇阻之效。本文將檢視我國現行公司法有關董事資格與淘汰機制之規範,並分析英國公司董事失格制度之制度設計與實務運作,進而探討我國引進此一制度的可能性以及相關的法律設計,以供我國未來建立該制度之參考。
英文關鍵詞: Directors DisqualificationDirectorsInvestor ProtectionCompany LawBritish Law
英文摘要: Although Taiwan’s Company Act requires directors meet certain criteria and has a mechanism for removal of directors, problems regarding removal of unfit directors remains. In contrast, the director disqualification, introduced into British law by the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, applies where a person is found to be unfit to manage the affairs of a company. They may then be disqualified from acting as a company director for a fixed period of time. In the UK, disqualification of directors is seen as part of corporate governance because it aims at ensuring that people who are considered to be unfit are disqualified from serving in positions of influence as far as the governance and managing of companies are concerned. This article will examine current criteria to be a director and the mechanism for removal of directors in Taiwan. Then, it will discuss the mechanism of director disqualification in the UK. Finally, this article will analyze the feasibility of introducing the directors disqualification system into Taiwan. If the introduction of directors disqualification into Taiwan is practicable, this article will further offer its regulatory design.
目  次: 壹、前言
郭大維,論我國公司法下董事失格制度之建構,輔仁法學,第 56 期,35-75 頁,2018年12月。