關 鍵 詞: |
內線交易;知悉內線交易;利用內線交易;修正式持有說;無罪推定 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Insider Trading;Awareness of Inside Information;Use of Inside Information;Modified Possession Standard;presumption of innocence |
英文摘要: |
This article is to explore the “Knowing Possession” versus “Use” debate on insider trading prohibition under Taiwan’s Securities Exchange Act (the “Act”), focusing on: is an insider’s knowing possession of the material nonpublic information at the time of trade sufficient for insider trading liability? Or a trader’s actual use of the information in making his trading decision should be proved? In Taiwan, most courts support “Knowing Possession standard” which means that the prosecution is not required to prove the material nonpublic information was used by a person when he made the purchase or sell. However, the author advocates “Modified Possession Standard” based on the purpose of the Act prohibiting insider trading and the principle of presumption of innocence. First, a person who was aware of the information at the time of trade does not mean he intentionally violated the law. Furthermore, under the doctrine of burden of proof, once the prosecution establishes the fact that a defendant was aware of information should be sufficient to prove that the defendant used the information because of the rules of experience and logic. On the other hand, the defendant can contend that he did not intentionally violate the law by offering evidence that the trade was not on the basis of the information.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、本案事實摘要與判決理由 一、事實摘要 二、判決理由 三、本案爭點 參、內線交易罪主觀要件有關「獲悉說」與「利用說」之爭論 一、我國證交法有關禁止內線交易之規定 二、我國實務見解 三、美國法有關利用說與獲悉說之爭議 (一)採取「獲悉說」之見解者 (二)採取「利用說」之見解者 (三)美國聯邦證管會(SEC)之見解 四、小結 肆、回歸刑法原理審視內線交易罪之主觀要件 一、禁止內線交易保護之法益 二、內線交易罪主觀要件分析 三、本文見解-有關利用說與獲悉說之評析 四、實務上檢察官舉證活動之面貌+以被告有利用消息證明被告知悉消息 伍、本案判決評析 一、本案判決對於內線交易罪主觀要件採取之判斷基準,基本上值得贊同 二、被告行為是否已「既遂」-即被告是否已「賣出」基因公司股票? 三、本案被告主觀犯意之探討 陸、結論
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