關 鍵 詞: |
開發行為環境影響評估;環評行政爭訟;程序行為;多階段行政處分 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Environmental assessment of development action;Administrative litigation of environmental assessment;Procedural action (Verfahrenshandlungen);Staged administrative-act (einstufige Verwaltungsakte) |
英文摘要: |
In Taiwan, legislator made Environmental Assessment Act for the task which prevents the pollution. When someone wants to take development on somewhere, this is a measure that state adopt to prevent the pollution. In environmental law, it also has been discussed hotly by academic lawyer. In our country, if citizen refuse to obey the environmental assessment conclusion or its procedure, which the development will make citizen to suffer the pollution. The relevant discussion in jurisprudence is absent. The relevant substantive law could be found at Environmental Assessment Act § 23IX. But the premise is that we should return to the jurisprudence of general theory of administrative law, and clarify the nature of environmental assessment conclusion. I hope the points proposed in my essay can avoid destroying the system of administrative law that we have established hardly for a long time. Therefore, after reviewing the court’s opinion, I will discuss relevant issues from the general theory of administrative law, and examine whether courts apply law appropriate or not.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、實務見解之回顧 參、環境影響評估程序之程序進行與定性 一、程序進行之簡介 二、環境影響評估結果之法律定性及其與開發行為之關係 (一)環境影響評估程序之結論的法律定性 (二)環境影響評估程序與開發行為准否的關係 肆、就程序行為提起爭訟的法理依據 一、比較法的觀察 二、現行實證法規範的詮釋 (一)嚴格解釋行政程序法第 174 條 (二)從立法沿革及規範目的加以解釋 伍、類型化開發行為之環境影響評估程序 一、環境影響評估的實體結果 二、環境影響評估的程序事項 (一)於結論是否有影響的判斷標準 (二)於結論有影響之程序違法 (三)於結論無影響之程序違法 陸、實務見解的反思與檢討 柒、結論
相關法條: |
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