關 鍵 詞: |
疫苗受害救濟;給付項目與金額;國家兒童疫苗傷害法案;疫苗傷害補償計畫;一次性給付;特別主事官 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
relief of vaccine injury;items of compensation and exact money;National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act;Vaccine Injury Compensation program;once-and-for-all payment;special masters |
英文摘要: |
According to “Regulations Governing Collection and Review of Relief Fund for Victims of Immunization” in Taiwan, the division of compensation is too simple, and no any compensation standard was provided. We will compare with U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Regime, especially through reading the judgement opinions delivered by Court of Federal Claims and Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in the U.S, to understanding what the real items of compensation and exact money paid the injured. We find that there is big difference between Taiwan and the U.S.. The purpose of the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Regime is to replace the torts system, it is designed in generous in compensation, wishing to provide complete compensation for present and future medical needs, including all necessary and appropriate future therapeutic and related care, with no caps or specific limitations, plus additional money for pain and suffering (capped at $250,000), and lost income (with certain limitations). Furthermore, there are two advantages worthy learning. First, in the U.S., there are special masters, similar to special courts, responsible for the affairs of compensation. Second, the payment is once and for all, but actually the special master will ask the family of the injured to purchase some kinds of annuity, which will pay monthly and yearly, and takes care the remaining of the injured.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、美國疫苗補償制度概說 一、疫苗法概說 二、申請程序 三、補償項目與金額 四、給付方式 參、未來各項支出 一、診斷、治療或其他照顧費用(diagnosis, medical or other remedial care) 二、居家和看護照顧和服務花費(residential and custodial care and service expenses) 四、諮商、心理與行為治療費用(case management services, counseling, emotional or behavioral therapy) 五、特殊設備、交通花費與設施(special equipment, related travel expenses, and facilities) 肆、工作收入損失 一、18 歲以前請求 二、18 歲以前請求,請求時死亡 伍、受害人精神慰撫金與死亡補償 一、受害人精神慰撫金 二、死亡補償金 陸、比較台灣 一、台灣現況 二、比較差異 柒、結論
相關法條: |
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