關 鍵 詞: |
觀護人;社區矯正;社會防衛;社會復歸;保護管束 |
中文摘要: |
社區矯正,應有助於罪犯的再社會化,以及社會治安的維持;特別是,對臺灣而言,或許能夠緩解當前監所人滿為患的窘況;對大陸而言,合乎其政治上的宣示,以及刑罰執行制度的改革。在臺灣,涉及社區矯正的規範,零散於刑法、保安處分執行法等;在大陸,則尚處於法規命令的階段(主要是 2004、2012 年的辦法),雖然還沒有完成法制化,但目標朝向專法制定,分別在 2013、2016 年推出草案。本文以為,兩岸的社區矯正法制都有改善空間,比如受社區矯正人的範圍劃定,強化社區矯正期間的治安維持措施,如何鼓勵民間參與社區矯正等;此外,大陸社區矯正傾向社會復歸,以及朝向單一法典的立法方向,值得臺灣借鏡。
英文關鍵詞: |
Probation Officer;Community Correction;Social Defense;Social Rehabilitation;Probation |
英文摘要: |
“Community Correction” should help criminals return to society, and protect social security. Currently, Taiwan and Mainland China focus on the development of the community correction. Taiwan especially wants to rely on community correction to reduce overcrowding in prisons, and Mainland China wants to rely on community correction to make the political declaration and adjust the penalty system. In Taiwan, the regulations related to the community correction such as Criminal Code and Rehabilitative Disposition Execution Act are fragmented. On the other hand, Mainland China has regulatory orders to run the community correction such as 2004 and 2012 community correction regulations. While Mainland China did not complete the legislation, Mainland China proposed draft legislation about the community correction in 2013 and 2016, in which presented their wish to make one code for community correction in the future. This paper will show that community correction law has room for improvement for both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Some examples of the improvement include defining the scope of people who can accept community corrections, security measures in the community correction's period, and methods to encourage people to participate in community corrections. In addition, Taiwan should refer to Mainland China regarding paying attention to social rehabilitation and making one code to standardize the community correction.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、兩岸社區矯正的發展 參、兩岸社區矯正的法制 一、臺灣社區矯正的法制 (一)保護管束 (二)社區服務及治療輔導 二、大陸社區矯正的法制 (一)暫行辦法 (二)實施辦法 肆、兩岸社區矯正法制的檢討與建議 一、社區矯正的定位 二、矯正對象的界定 三、保障治安的設計 四、民間參與的機制 五、制定專法的考量 伍、結語
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