關 鍵 詞: |
人工智慧;司法實務;視聽辨識;資料處理 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Artificial Intelligence;Judicial Practice;Audiovisual Identification;Data Processing |
英文摘要: |
Human society has entered the era of artificial intelligence(AI). The use of AI is bound to affect human society, and this includes judicial practice. At this time, Taiwan is only in the early stages of applying AI to the judicial system as many systems are invented to fit a specific purpose. These developments have already made good headway in Taiwan and are accelerating the pace of using AI within our judicial system. The powerful ability of artificial intelligence is presented in data processing and audiovisual identification. AI that has been used in the judicial system now, for example, searching, collating and analyzing legal materials; forecasting cases, such as criterion for imposing penalty; facilitating people's access to justice, such as legal document writing or simple legal issues consultation; and helping to make reports quickly, helping law enforcement agency arrest criminals. Overall, applying AI to the judicial system can be separated into two important objectives; firstly, to ease the workload of those individuals working in judiciary roles, and secondly, to provide an easier means for the general public to access legal resources. Facing the future, we are optimistic that artificial intelligence can help promote the progress of the judiciary.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、人工智慧於司法實務的應用基礎 參、人工智慧資料處理的應用 肆、人工智慧視聽辨識的應用 伍、結語
相關法條: |
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