關 鍵 詞: |
和解;連帶債務;損害賠償;醫療糾紛;醫療過失 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
settlement;joint-obligation;liability;medical malpractice dispute;medical negligence |
英文摘要: |
The defendant physician utilized during liposuction procedure the non-standard warming device, which caused burn complication to the plaintiff patient. Despite reaching settlement out of court regarding the dispute, the plaintiff still claimed for damages due to the medical malpractice herein, yet he courts held for the defendant. This article made brief comments on the nature, scope and effect of settlement about disputes regarding medical malpractice, moreover on the institute-staff-patient three-party relationship under settlement.
目 次: |
壹、案件事實 一、病人 A 主張 二、B 醫師、甲診所抗辯 三、C 護理師抗辯 四、他案訴訟 五、協議書內容 貳、各審判決概要 一、地方法院 二、高等法院 三、最高法院 參、本文評析 一、醫糾和解之性質 二、醫糾和解之效力與範圍 三、醫療機構、醫護人員及病方之三方關係 四、和解契約當事人對第三人之約定 五、對本件之評析 肆、結語
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
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