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從法國環境刑法之有關規定反思刑法第 190 條之 1(Rethinking the Article 190-1 of the Criminal Law from the Relevant Regulations of the French Environmental Criminal Law)
編著譯者: 林士欽
出版日期: 2019.08
刊登出處: 台灣/軍法專刊第 65 卷 第 4 期/72-95 頁
頁  數: 24 點閱次數: 915
下載點數: 96 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 軍法專刊社 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 環境刑法環境法水污染空氣污染環境污染自然資源公共安全
中文摘要: 法國法上,與環境相關之不法行為可以區分成三類:第一、危害自然資源如水、空氣、土壤之行為;第二、危害野生動植物、森林景觀之行為;第三、破壞紀念堂外觀或城市整體建築和諧性之行為。這三種類型係以附屬刑法之模式分散規定於法國行政法(如環境法)中,法國刑法對於破壞環境之行為則無直接之處罰規定。我國刑法第 190 條之 1 以一個條文綜合規範污染空氣、土壤與河川之行為,在形式上屬於上述第一種類型。不同於我國之立法模式,法國係採取分散立法之模式,在環境法典中分別規範危害空氣與水之行為,惟對於土地危害行為之處罰規定,則付之闕如。從法國環境刑法之構成要件設計,特別是水污染罪之構成要件,可以清楚得知條文之保護客體為何,我國法原本亦是如此,但在 2018 年修正後,第 190 條之 1 之定位便顯得模糊。本文從體系解釋之角度出發,試圖將刑法第 190 條之 1 之保護客體定位為公共安全,並本此立場反思我國 2018 年修法之妥適性、解釋構成要件之內容及提出未來修正建議。
英文關鍵詞: Environmental Criminal LawEnvironmental LawWater PollutionAir-PollutionEnvironmental PollutionNatural ResourcesPublic Security
英文摘要: There are three categories concerning environmentally-related illegal behaviors in French law, behaviors endangering natural resources such as water, air, and soil, behaviors endangering wildlife, forest landscapes, and behaviors destroying the appearance of the memorial hall or the overall harmony of the city infrastructure. Those are decentralized in the French administrative law (such as environmental law) in the form of a subsidiary criminal law. The behavior to damage to water or air is regulated in the French Environmental Law, but the behavior to damage to land isn't regulated. On the other hand, the French criminal law has no direct penalties for behaviors damaging the environment. The Article 190-1 of the Criminal Law in Taiwan comprehensively regulates the behavior of polluting the air, soil and rivers fitting to the first category in French law. Different from Taiwan’s legislative model, France adopts a model of decentralized legislation. It can be clearly known that the object of protection of the regulation is environment from the aspect of components in French environmental criminal law, especially the water pollution crime. Since the Article 190-1 was amended in 2018, its object of protection is not so concrete in French law. From the perspective of systematic interpretation, this paper attempts to illustrate the object of protection in revised Article 190-1 of the Criminal Law as public security. Based on these illustrations, it reflects on the appropriateness of Taiwan’s 2018 revision of the law, explains the content of the components, proposing future amendments in law.
目  次: 壹、前言
林士欽,從法國環境刑法之有關規定反思刑法第 190 條之 1,軍法專刊,第 65 卷 第 4 期,72-95 頁,2019年08月。