關 鍵 詞: |
監理沙盒;金融科技發展與創新實驗條例;金融監理;英國法;金融消費者保護 |
中文摘要: |
隨著金融與科技的結合,發展出各種新形態的金融商品與服務,並帶來突破性的創新,進而改變傳統金融業之商業經營模式。金融科技的日新月異雖提供金融消費者新的選擇並促進競爭,但其對於既有的監理法規亦產生挑戰。在此情況下,金融監理機關應以何種方式進行監理,方能同時兼顧「鼓勵金融創新」與「金融消費者之保護」,乃是相當重要的議題。 面對金融科技的蓬勃發展,各國紛紛調整監理策略,以期能夠與時俱進地發展出適合本國金融科技發展之監理方式。其中,英國政府率先提出所謂的「監理沙盒」制度。基本上,金融監理沙盒制度係由政府創設一個安全的實驗環境,使金融科技業者可以測試新創產品或服務,進而評估該產品或服務之可行性,並暫時享有法規的豁免,同時與金融監理機關密切協作,使業者與政府雙方得就測試過程中所發現或產生的監理與法制面議題進行溝通,並藉由減少測試新創產品、服務或商業模式的行政屏障及其成本,在兼顧金融消費者保護下,促進競爭與創新。其後,新加坡、澳洲等國亦引進金融監理沙盒制度,以培植金融科技產業。 為建構有利於金融科技創新發展的環境,並解決國內金融監理缺乏彈性之弊病,我國於二○一七年十二月二十九日經立法院三讀通過「金融科技發展與創新實驗條例」,引進金融監理沙盒制度。由於金融監理沙盒制度在我國尚屬於發展階段,而英國是首先實施金融監理沙盒制度之國家,因此本文自金融市場活動之監理方式出發,針對英國金融監理沙盒機制之內容進行探討,進而分析我國現行金融監理沙盒制度,以期對我國金融監理法制之改進與金融科技之發展,有所助益。
英文關鍵詞: |
Regulatory Sandbox;Financial Technology Development and Innovative Experimentation Act;Financial Supervision;British Law;Financial Consumer Protection |
英文摘要: |
Financial technology is revolutionizing traditional financial services through technology. New and innovative services or products are being created to challenge the existing financial services model. Such innovation can disrupt existing industry structures and create significant regulatory and law-enforcement challenges. In this situation, how to maintain the balance between financial innovation and the protection of financial consumers is an important issue for the financial regulator. In response to the development of financial technology, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority created the so-called “Regulatory Sandbox.” The Regulatory Sandbox is what the regulator describes as a safe space in which businesses can test innovative products, services, business models and delivery mechanisms in a live environment. Firms can interact with consumers on a commercial basis without immediately incurring all the normal regulatory consequences of engaging in the activity in question. Stringent authorization requirements and regulatory uncertainty often hinder innovation in financial services. Regulatory sandboxes could therefore provide business with regulatory flexibility to test innovative products with real customers. The concept of a regulatory sandbox framework is also emulated by other countries such as Singapore and Australia. Recently, Taiwan government introduces a regulatory sandbox framework into Taiwan by enacting the Financial Technology Development and Innovative Experimentation Act, to encourage firms to develop and apply new technologies to the financial ecosystem. Since the regulatory sandbox is a new mechanism, this article will explore the mechanism of regulatory sandbox in the U.K. and its practice. Then, it will examine the regulatory sandbox framework in Taiwan and offer suggestions for improving Taiwan’s regulatory sandbox framework.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、金融市場活動之監理方式:原則基礎之管理 vs.規則基礎之管理 一、原則基礎之管理 二、規則基礎之管理 三、小結 參、英國金融監理沙盒制度 一、申請標準 二、進行方式 三、金融消費者保護措施 四、小結 肆、我國金融監理沙盒制度-金融科技發展與創新實驗條例 一、申請人之資格 二、創新實驗之審查機制 三、創新實驗之期間 四、參與創新實驗者之保護 伍、結論與建議
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