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CEDAW 與我國憲法之性別平等保障內涵的比較(CEDAW's Concept of Equality in Comparison to Gender Equality under the Taiwan's Constitution)
編著譯者: 陳靜慧
出版日期: 2019.12
刊登出處: 台灣/臺北大學法學論叢第 112 期/1-61 頁
頁  數: 59 點閱次數: 1781
下載點數: 236 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 陳靜慧
關 鍵 詞: 消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約(CEDAW)性別平等形式平等實質平等結果平等非對稱取徑間接歧視暫行特別措施性別刻板印象
中文摘要: 2007 年我國批准了消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約(The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,以下簡稱 CEDAW),2011 年制定施行法,以在我國法體系推動 CEDAW 保障與促進性別平等之規定。歷次的國家報告審議均關注的一個問題是,我國憲法與法律規定迄今尚無包含如 CEDAW 所載之歧視定義者,國際審查委員會敦促我國以法律或憲法層次規範對性與性別歧視加以定義,以落實 CEDAW 之目的與保障內涵。無論將來欲採取何種立法模式,都有必要對於 CEDAW 的平等概念內涵予以釐清,尤其 CEDAW 採非對稱取徑、關注婦女群體地位、以結果平等為目標,而大法官主要採取對稱取徑解釋平等權,因此,CEDAW 與我國憲法設有之性別平等規定是否相容,值得深入探究。本文首先爬梳 CEDAW 之平等概念,再探討我國憲法上之性別平等概念與 CEDAW 是否一致,之後對於我國未來落實 CEDAW 之策略提出建議。
英文關鍵詞: CEDAWSex/Gender EqualityFormal EqualitySubstantive EqualityEquality of ResultAsymmetrical ApproachIndirect DiscriminationTemporary Special MeasuresGender Stereotype
英文摘要: Taiwan ratified CEDAW in 2007. CEDAW is commonly understood as a women’s only Convention. The aim of CEDAW is not only put an end to unjustified classifications of individuals on the basis of sex, but also to improve de facto position of women (individuals as well as groups) by means of temporary special measures and to focus on the structural causes of discrimination. Compared to the asymmetrical approach of CEDAW, Constitutional Court interpreted sex and gender equality as a right to comparatively equal treatment, which is symmetrical. This raises the question to what extent the Constitution reflects the requirements of CEDAW and whether and in how far it might be possible to align Taiwan’s law to CEDAW. Against this background, this paper aims to show the scope and purpose of CEDAW firstly. The following provides a comparative assessment of the basic features of concept of sex and gender equality in Taiwan’s Constitution. Finally, some suggestions are made for preventing or resolving conflicts between CEDAW and Constitution.
目  次: 壹、前言
貳、CEDAW 的平等取徑、保障內涵與範圍
一、只保障婦女?-CEDAW 的非對稱取徑(asymmetrical approach)
二、CEDAW 的平等概念與保障內涵
(一)CEDAW 對歧視之定義
(二)CEDAW 的目的與保障內涵
三、CEDAW 性別平等保障之外延-是否涵蓋多元性別者權利保障?
參、CEDAW 平等概念與我國憲法性別平等之相容性
一、憲法為何要面對 CEDAW 之平等概念
(三)憲法解釋可能再次引用 CEDAW 的情況
二、我國憲法性別平等之保障內涵及其與 CEDAW 平等概念之比較
三、CEDAW 平等概念與我國憲法性別平等之相容性
陳靜慧,CEDAW 與我國憲法之性別平等保障內涵的比較,臺北大學法學論叢,第 112 期,1-61 頁,2019年12月。