關 鍵 詞: |
行政私法;雙階理論;法律保留;正當法律程序;行政行為自由選擇理論;審判權歸屬;政府採購;公益彩券;促參法;全民健保程序 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Administrative Private Law;Two Stage Theory;Principle of Legal Reservation;Due Process of Law;Free Choice Theory;Division of the Power of Adjudication;Government Procurement;Public Welfare Lottery;Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects;Process of National Health Insurance |
英文摘要: |
This paper is a further discussion on the field applications and related issues of Verwaltungsprivatrecht (administrative private behavior) and Zweistufenlehre (two-stage theory) in Taiwan, especially on the issue of two stage theory which composed of administrative act as the first stage (administrative injunction in particular), and private law act as the second stage (as known as private contract), causing several problems, such as free from regulation of Constitutional law, evasion of principle of legal reservation, omission of due process of law, and abuse of the theory of free choice of administrative behavior which leads to the diversity in jurisdiction that is a hard problem to solve. In the end of the paper, I argue that revised two stage theory may be a solution to problems mentioned above, and it may also help domestic legal system and judicial trial to supervise the administrative department more efficiently.
目 次: |
壹、緒論 一、困擾行政法院與行政法學的兩個概念與制度 二、以最高行政法院 102 年 10 月份第 2 次庭長法官聯席會議決議為例 三、行政私法與雙階理論之關聯性 貳、行政私法理論 一、概念與類型 二、功能與危機 (一)功能:彈性與形成空間大 (二)危機 三、我國行政審判實務對行政私法行為之定性及其問題 (一)配住公有眷舍關係(公物經營管理行為) (二)政府採購契約 (三)促進(誘導)行政之法律關係(尤其是獎補助行政) (四)審判權之歸屬爭議 參、雙階理論 一、雙階理論與多階段行政程序 二、功能與缺陷 三、行政實務上雙階理論之應用 (一)國民住宅(軍眷)配住法律關係 (二)申請租售國有林地事件 (三)公益彩券發行程序 (四)政府採購程序 (五)促進民間參與公共建設程序 (六)全民健保特約醫事服務機構程序 四、小結 肆、結論
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