關 鍵 詞: |
醫事鑑定;機關鑑定;鑑定人;具結;詰問;證據調查;證明力;證據能力;醫事審議委員會;審判權 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Medical Expert Testimony;Organization Testimony;Expert Witness;Affidavit;Examination;Investigation of Evidence;Probative Value of Evidence;Admissibility of Evidence;Medical Review Committee;Judicial Power in Determination |
英文摘要: |
The contemporary medical expert testimony procedure of medical malpractice litigations in our country has been denounced as “black-box operation” for a long time, because it gravely infringes and overturns the due process of evidence rule in our Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure, and violates not only the judicial power of determination but also the right to institute legal proceedings as safeguarded by of the Constitution. This article reviewed the evolution landmark of medical expert testimony procedures of Mainland Area and Japan in the past 10 years, and made an attempt to retrieve the essence of their experience to success in the reform of these procedures. These two countries took a quite different approaches to reform their own medical testimony procedures, yet coincidently proceeded toward a unanimous goal, that is to safeguard and implement the judicial power of determination and the right to institute legal proceedings. It is believed that the crucial factor in their accomplishments would be the adaptation of their medical testimony procedure into a mode of multiple expert witnesses, which proved itself to be an efficient way to examine the admissibility and probative value of these testimonies in medical malpractice litigations. The mode of multiple witnesses, to a great extent, relieved the peer stress among the expert witnesses, so that they would be more willing to sign an affidavit, to report verbally and to be examined by the court and both parties. Besides, the court might create a kind of battles among the multiple expert witnesses to help the court weighting the probative value of their testimonies. After taking into consideration of the expert testimony procedure performed contemporarily in Medical Review Committee and the complicated ethics of relationship between physicians, two feasible reform options were advocated, namely “multiple testimony by multiple expert witnesses” and “multiple expert witnesses in modified Medical Review Committee mode”. Hopefully, these reform options might help in our medical malpractice litigations.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、我國醫事鑑定之現況與困境 一、醫審會之鑑定實務 二、現有醫事鑑定制度之闕漏 (一)形式上架空司法機關之審查權以及當事人之訴訟權 (二)實質上司法機關欠缺審查能力、當事人欠缺詰問能力 (三)小結 參、大陸地區醫事鑑定之變革 一、醫學會執行之「醫療事故技術鑑定」 (一)關於醫療事故技術鑑定之規範 (二)簡評 二、法醫鑑定機構所執行「法醫鑑定」 (一)關於法醫鑑定之規範 (二)簡評 三、各地區人民法院之地方性指導 (一)江蘇省高級人民法院之醫療損害鑑定 (二)北京市高級人民法院之醫療損害鑑定 (三)簡評 肆、日本醫事鑑定之變革 一、(會議、或稱圓桌)鑑定 二、複數自然人鑑定 三、小結 伍、他山之石可以攻錯 一、具啟發性之改革方向 (一)從單獨鑑定到多人鑑定之趨勢 (二)鑑定人具名、出庭說明與接受詰問—形式上之審查可能性 (三)營造並利用醫學專家間之戰爭—實質上之審查可能性 二、我國鑑定制度改革芻議 (一)不利改革之現實因素應予正視 (二)理想改革方向之提出—多人鑑定模式 (三)現階段可行之多人鑑定模式 陸、結論
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