關 鍵 詞: |
抽象危險犯;食品安全;假冒;攙偽 |
中文摘要: |
有關食品安全衛生管理法食品攙偽、假冒行為之解釋,於實務上爭論已久。最高法院固然在 2016 年作成決議試圖統一法律見解,但其後之實務見解走向是否確實遵循此一決議意旨,仍值玩味。本文嘗試觀察自該決議後之法律審與事實審相關判決內容,分析其見解在統一法律見解之後的細微變化與趨勢,本文認為,最高法院決議不僅沒有解決事實審法院在適用攙偽、假冒規定之難題,甚且有違反諸多刑法基本原則的疑慮。
英文關鍵詞: |
abstrakte Gefährdungsdelikte;food safety;counterfeiting;adulteration |
英文摘要: |
On the basis of Food Safety and Hygiene Management Law, the interpretation of food adulteration and counterfeiting behaviours have been debated for a long time in practice. To deal with the issue, the Supreme Court made a decision in 2016. However, whether this decision has been fully followed should be further examined. This paper attempts to observe the content of the judgments related to the legal and factual examinations after the above-mentioned decision, and analyze the subtle changes and trends of courts’ opinions after the unified legal opinions. It is further argued that the Supreme Court’s decision not only failed to solve the problem of the issues in relation to food adulteration and counterfeiting by the lower courts, but also violated many of the basic principles of criminal law.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、新近實務見解走向 一、最高法院決議前之見解歧異 二、最高法院決議內容 三、最高法院決議後之走向分析 (一)法律審見解已漸趨一致 (二)事實審判決於細部見解仍有互異 參、判決評釋 一、法律審見解的疑慮 二、法律審見解並未解決事實審難題 肆、結語
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