關 鍵 詞: |
中文教育;中國文化;孝親教育;華語流行曲教學 |
中文摘要: |
現今社會孝親觀念日益淡薄。有鑑於此,筆者嘗試以華語流行曲教學融入孝親教育之中,並配以一系列的教學活動,提升學生對於孝親精神的認識,以及對孝親精神的學習興趣。當中,本次研究以香港國中一年級 94 名學生為研究對象(49 名學為實驗組、45 名學生為控制組),並採用準實驗研究法,進行為時約 4 個月(9/2018 至 12/2018)、共計 20 堂的華語流行教學融入孝親教育課程。為了準確地量度是次教學研究的成效,筆者採用了以下的研究工具,包括:寫作測試(前測及後測──探究是次課程能否提升學生對孝親精神的反思)、問卷調查(探究是次課程能否提升學生對孝親教育的學習興趣),以及反思日誌(探究是次課程如何影響到學生對孝親教育精神的認知)。結果發現,透過這次教學研究,學生都能夠提升對中國傳統孝道文化精神的認識,並從中對孝親精神產生深刻的反思。同時,學生也能夠提升對孝道文化的學習興趣。
英文關鍵詞: |
Chinese Language Education;Chinese Culture;Filial Piety Education;Chinese Popular Songs Teaching |
英文摘要: |
Nowadays, the concept of filial piety is becoming weaker. In order to enhance students' understanding and learning interest in the concept, the authors tried to integrate the teaching of Chinese pop songs with different learning activities into filial piety education. 94 Hong Kong Secondary one students were selected for the study on integrating the teaching of Chinese popular songs into filial piety education (including 49 of them as an experimental group and the rest as a control group). A total of 20 teaching lessons of Chinese popular songs were integrated into the filial piety education course, lasting for 4 months. In order to accurately measure the effectiveness of the study, the author used the following research tools which includes a writing test: pre-test and post-test (to explore whether the course can enhance students’ reflections on the spirit of filial piety), a questionnaire (to find out whether the course can enhance students’ interest in filial piety education) and a reflection log (to ask how the course affects students’ perception of the spirit of filial piety education). This study found that students have enhanced understanding of filial piety and deeper reflection on the concept of filial piety after the intervention. At the same time, students showed an increased learning interest to be immersed in filial piety culture.
目 次: |
壹、研究緣起 一、研究背景 二、研究目的 貳、文獻回顧 一、孝親教育之意涵 二、華語流行曲教學之意涵 三、華語流行曲教學對孝親教育之作用 參、研究方法 一、研究設計 二、研究對象 三、教學流程 四、研究工具 五、資料處理與分析 肆、研究結果及討論 一、寫作測試 二、問卷調查 三、反思日誌 伍、綜合討論 一、提供實踐孝道的機會 二、以跨學科形式推動孝親教育 三、增加學生接受孝親教育的時間 陸、結論與建議 一、結論 二、建議
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