關 鍵 詞: |
不自證己罪原則;緘默權;拒絕證言權;違失行為;行政調查 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
The Privilege Against Self-incrimination;Privilege of Silence;Right of Refusal to Testify;Wrongful Acts;Administrative Inquisition |
英文摘要: |
There are both substantive and procedural rules in the Armed Forces Punishment Act, under the premise, if the wrongful person have to show the truth or evidence of the events to the chief of power initiatively, it will lead to a dilemma that the guy either receive negative effects from going against the duty or be punished because of self-incrimination, and that is such a humanity test related to the issue of human dignity protection in The Constitution. The privilege against self-incrimination is the core value of the human dignity protection in The Constitution, and it's worth to investigate that whether the value should not be applicable in the Armed Forces Punishment Act or not. This paper aims at widely exploring the development path of the privilege against self-incrimination, the rules of positive law, dispute about the applicability of administrative regulations and specifically analysis appliance of this law, and inferences the questions through cases in order to seek the appropriateness of each cases.
目 次: |
壹、從幾則案例談起 貳、不自證己罪原則之緣起與內涵 一、緣起與比較法之觀察 (一)緣起 (二)比較法之觀察 (三)我國法之概說 二、內涵 (一)意義與射程範圍 (二)緘默權為下位概念 參、當事人協力義務與不自證己罪原則衝突與調和 一、當事人協力義務之內涵 二、當事人協力義務之類型 (一)一般性規定之協力義務 (二)特別性規定之協力義務 三、當事人協力義務之界限 (一)外部界限 (二)內部界限 四、與人民參與行政程序基本權之釐清 五、與職權調查主義的緊張關係 六、與不自證己罪原則之關係 (一)行政調查程序中是否適用不自證己罪原則之觀察 (二)二者之衝突與調和 肆、本法適用不自證己罪原則之分析 一、不自證己罪原則在憲法上的意義 二、從人性尊嚴之保障分析本法之適用 三、本法各階段適用之分析 (一)實體法上之「隱瞞不報」違失行為 (二)違失行為調查程序 (三)懲罰評議程序違失行為人之地位 (四)其他問題之探討 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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