關 鍵 詞: |
公用地役關係;釋字第 400 號;不特定公眾;補償;建築線退讓;公權力 |
中文摘要: |
原本釋字第 400 號解釋,針對公用地役關係既成道路,有嚴格的三要件,希望不要浮濫認定;且在政府財政困難下,寬容允許政府慢慢籌措財源。但地方政府反而以此為理由,完全不徵收既成巷道,甚至在建築管理自治條例中,放寬了原來釋字第 400 號的三要件,包括「供不特定公眾通行所必要」及「年代久遠不復記憶」這二個要件。 地方政府認定現有巷道的目的,是為了後續指定建築線。但地方政府在指定建築線時,卻進一步擴張原來公用地役關係巷道的寬度,要求退讓到 4 公尺或 6 公尺。本文將說明,若地方政府以公權力改變公用地役關係巷道寬度,此屬於國家機關公權力之行使,造成人民財產權之損害,人民應有主動補償請求權。
英文關鍵詞: |
Public Easement;Judicial Yuan-Interpretations No. 400;Unspecified General Public;Compensation;Building Lines Setback;Public Authority |
英文摘要: |
Originally, for determining whether a public easement on existing roads had been established, Judicial Yuan-Interpretations No. 400 set the strict three specific requirements, wishing that the local governments not determine the public easement relationship arbitrarily and easily. Concerning the financial difficulties local governments faced, Judicial Yuan-Interpretations No. 400 didn’t require local governments to conduct expropriation to acquire the lands make just compensation those privately-owned lands immediately. Unfortunately, local governments go so far as not expropriate those public easement burdened lands at all, and in their own regulations on construction management, they broaden the three requirements No. 400 had set. The two requirements they loosed is the first one, it must be a necessary crossing for the unspecified general public, and the third one, it must be long enough so that most people do not have a specific recollection regarding the exact time when the situation began. The purpose local governments to recognize the existing laneways is to determine the building lines thereafter. When local governments determine the building lines, they go further broadening the original width of the public easement existing roads, asking building line to setback until the road width be 4 meters or 6 meters. This paper argue that, if local governments use its public authority to change the width of the public easement existing roads, it is the exercise of the public authority by national authorities, infringing the personal property rights, those affected individuals shall have the right to adequate compensation.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、公用地役關係 一、釋字第 400 號公用地役關係之積極要件 二、經費困難導致實質上不予徵收補償 三、替代公用地役關係之制度 參、現有巷道與「不特定公眾通行所必要」 一、現有巷道與建築線 二、現有巷道認定標準 三、與釋字第 400 號要件比較 四、少數住戶通行 五、違憲之處 肆、公用地役關係巷道拓寬與建築線退讓 一、鋪設瀝青、施作排水溝渠等拓寬公用地役關係巷道 二、指定建築線與建築線退讓 三、檢討與反思 伍、結論
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