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人格理念與文化法治國家——洪遜欣的法理學思想 (The Idea of Person and Cultural Rule of Law: The Jurisprudence of Shun-Shin Hong)
編著譯者: 江玉林
出版日期: 2018.10
刊登出處: 台灣/國立中正大學法學集刊第 61 期/59-100 頁
頁  數: 42 點閱次數: 952
下載點數: 168 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 中正大學法律學系 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 法理學人格自然法文化法治國家
中文摘要: 洪遜欣(1914-1981)出身日治時期南投草屯望族,為臺灣著名法學家,專攻民法與法理學,著有《中國民法總則》(1958)、《法理學》(1982)。洪遜欣就讀東京帝國大學法學部期間,參加日本司法官考試及格。1937 年畢業後,在廣島、東京、岡山等地方法院擔任法官。二戰結束返回臺灣,在臺大法律系任教。1976 年起擔任司法院大法官,直至 1981 年過世。
英文關鍵詞: JurisprudencePersonNatural LawCultural Rule of Law
英文摘要: Shun-Shin Hong (1914-1981) was from a prominent family in Caotun, Nantou County in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. He was renowned scholar specialized in Civil Law and Jurisprudence, and authored two books “General Principles of Civil Law of the Republic of China (1958) and “Jurisprudence (1982)”. He passed the judicial examination in Japan when he was a law student at the Imperial University in Tokyo. After graduating in 1937, he was a judge at the district court in Hiroshima, Tokyo, and Okayama. He returned to Taiwan after the end of World War II and taught at the Department of Law at the National Taiwan University. He served as the Grand Justice, Judicial Yuan from 1976 until his passing in 1981.
The jurisprudence of Shun-Shin Hong originated from the new natural law after the World War II. He proposed objective legal values based on the idea of person and pointed out disadvantages of neglecting basic human rights from relieving the legal positivism and its derivative relativism. He argued that the idea of person is not only the basic value of the constitutionalism but also the core of cultural rule of law because culture is not a revision of the history or societal customs, but an ought of practical reason. Culture plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order in modern society and promoting social well-being and self-actualization in a constitutional state with traditional liberalism.
Hong’s thoughts on the natural law were profound reflections on the atrocity of the World War II and were also affected by Chiang Kaishek’s administration of martial law, restrictions on speech and academic freedom, and strict policing on citizens. His succinct ideas on the natural law, person, constitutionalism and cultural rule of law have helped further and preserve the rule of law for human rights for many future generations in Taiwan.
目  次: 壹、前言
江玉林,人格理念與文化法治國家——洪遜欣的法理學思想,國立中正大學法學集刊,第 61 期,59-100 頁,2018年10月。