關 鍵 詞: |
離岸風電;營造綜合保險;WindCAR保單;瑕疵條款、海事保證鑑定 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Offshore Windfarm;Construction All Risks;WindCAR Policy;Defect Clause;Marine Warranty Survey |
英文摘要: |
Offshore windfarm insurance projects are too diverse and complex to adopt the underwriting methodologies of traditional engineering insurance. Stakeholders should make themselves well aware of the coverage and crucial wordings of insurance policy for their future business. After reviewing the background of offshore windfarm insurance, this paper explores the origin and development, major policy formats in the international market, the basic structure of the policy (i.e. project planning participants, coverage of risks, insurance period and sum insureds) and the unique clauses different from the traditional engineering insurance policy. It focuses mainly on the WindCAR policies currently adopted in Taiwan, analyzes the possible ambiguities arising from policy wording, and finally submits its conclusion and suggestion.
目 次: |
一、前言 二、離岸風電保險之背景概述 三、離岸風電保單之發展 四、離岸風電保單之基本架構 五、離岸風電保單之主要內容 六、離岸風電保單特殊條款 七、離岸風電保單條款之疑義解析 八、結論
相關法條: |
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相關函釋: |
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