關 鍵 詞: |
醫療糾紛;除罪化;重大過失;致死罪;注意義務;偏離;可歸責性;不道德;輕率;故意 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
medical malpractice;decriminalization;gross negligence;manslaughter;standard of care;deviation;culpability;wanton;reckless;intent |
英文摘要: |
In Taiwan, a criminal prosecution of criminal negligence goes for medical doctors especially when the medical malpractice is not settled. Medical doctors are much dissatisfied with high conviction rates and argue for decriminalization of medical malpractices. In response to this argument, this article tries to redefine the term “criminal negligence” by referring to American concept. After analyzing cases about criminal prosecution of medical doctors in the United States, this article concludes that not all deviation from standard of care or standard of conduct would result in criminal negligence. However, the situation in Taiwan is very different. The courts and scholars in Taiwan almost agree that criminal negligence equals to civil negligence so all deviation from standard of care or standard of conduct would be covered in criminal negligence. The article argues the Taiwanese viewpoint confuses criminal negligence with civil negligence. In support of saying that, this study distinguishes the former from the latter by pointing out the legislative concern of each concept. As a result, this study suggests adoption of the American idea of criminal negligence, which makes a better sense, would limit the scope of criminal negligence in Taiwan. Only few medical malpractices then will go under criminal prosecution.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、醫療過失之刑事責任在我國之概況 一、概說 二、醫療行為之特徵:法益侵害之高風險性 三、有關醫療過失責任之我國實務見解 參、醫療過失之刑事責任在美國之概況 一、概說 二、伍德案(U.S. v.Wood) 三、英納格勒案(People v. Einaugler) 四、畢利格案(U.S. v. Billig) 五、華登案(State of Utah v. Warden) 六、勇肯案(Commonwealth v. Youngkin) 七、科瓦那案(People v. Klvana) 八、小結 肆、刑事過失內涵之探討 一、概說 二、我國刑事過失內涵之探討 三、我國刑事過失內涵之疑義 四、美國刑事過失之內涵 五、民刑事過失規範功能之區隔 六、刑事過失內涵之新定位 伍、醫療過失責任之定位—代結論
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