關 鍵 詞: |
行政罰;醫師懲戒制度;醫療行為;醫療業務;懲戒罰 |
中文摘要: |
醫師「逾越醫療行為(業務)範圍」不是醫師法第 28 條之法定要件,而應是構成醫師法第 28 條之 4 之行政秩序罰事由。此外,未具物理治療人員資格者且未依醫師指示執行物理治療業務,應論以醫師法第 28 條之罪名;但如其係受「醫師指示」而執行物理治療業務,則應論以物理治療師法第 32 條第 1 項之罪名。
英文關鍵詞: |
administrative penalty;disciplinary system of physicians;medical behavior;medical business;disciplinary sanctions |
英文摘要: |
“Beyond the scope of medical behavior (business)” of the Physicians is not a statutory requirement of Article 28 of the Physician Law, but it should constitute the administrative penalty for Article 28-4 of the Physician Law. Moreover, those who are not qualified as physiotherapy personnel and do not follow the instructions of the physician to perform the physiotherapy business shall be guilty of the offence of Article 28 of the Physician Law. However, if he is instructed by a “physician” to perform the physical therapy business, he should be convicted of Article 32, paragraph 1 of the Physical Therapist Law.
目 次: |
壹、案例 貳、案例爭點與相關法規 一、案例爭點 二、相關法規 (一)醫師法第 28 條之刑事責任 (二)醫師法第 28 條之 4 之行政秩序罰 (三)醫師法第 25 條之懲戒責任 (四)醫療輔助人員之刑事責任 (五)醫療機構之責任 參、解析 一、中醫師乙之行為構成醫師法第 28 條之密醫罪 二、中醫師乙之行為應僅處以行政秩序罰 肆、結論 一、中醫師乙違反現行醫師法第 28 條之 4 之規定 二、行政人員丙違反現行物理治療師法第 32 條規定 三、醫療機構違反現行醫療法第 57 條規定
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