關 鍵 詞: |
貪污治罪條例;外國公務員;行賄外國公務員;競爭秩序;公務純正性 |
中文摘要: |
本文討論行賄外國公務員罪的處罰理據,並在可能範圍說明未來修法的合理方向,筆者主張本罪必須與內國利益具備關聯性才有正當的可罰性,倘若行為人是外國廠商,則一定要影響本國廠商參與外國商貿活動的競爭利益,否則不能成立犯罪。基此,現行刑法典有關本罪的屬地主義法律效果,以及貪污治罪條例第 11 條第 6 項擴張本罪適用範圍的規定,必須嚴正地考慮修正,如果沒有任何我國利益侵害的關聯性,不論行賄者是誰,不論是否在我國境內發生,均不應該成立本罪,此一問題可透過「足生損害於本國廠商」予以限制適用。
英文關鍵詞: |
Anti-Corruption Act;Foreign Public Official;Offering Bribe to a Foreign Public Official;Fair Competition;Integrity of Public Administration |
英文摘要: |
This article discusses the criminal liablility concerning bribery of foreign officials, explaining its justification and exploring the possible future amendement. The author argues that this crime must be related to domestic interests. If the briber is a foreign manufacturer, it is necessary to influence the competitive interests of domestic manufacturers in participating in foreign trade activities. Based on this perspective, the territorial priniciple adopted in this provision which expands the application scope of this crime, must be seriously considered for amendment.
目 次: |
壹、導論 貳、立法變遷與刑事政策需求 參、現行法的規範疑義 肆、借鏡德國立法發展 伍、解釋與修法的規範評估:代結論
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
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