關 鍵 詞: |
六輕;許厝分校;環境公害;環境管制;空氣污染;科學證據 |
中文摘要: |
國家衛生研究院的研究發現六輕廠區附近許厝國小學童 TdGA 指數過高,認為是六輕排放污染所導致,建議行政院將許厝國小遷離,引發六輕的質疑與居民的抗議,也暴露出環境不正義的爭議。在政策爭議之外,台灣相關的法律制度是否提供人們追求環境正義的架構,還是傾向持續強化既存的社會不正義,是本文擬探討之問題。 本文先說明許厝國小遷校案所反映的社會不正義,繼而從環境公害訴訟與環境管制兩個方面探討法律制度實現正義的可能與侷限。本文發現,環境公害訴訟受到證明法則、科學侷限與救濟方式的侷限,使受害者追究責任困難重重;環境管制雖然可以補充訴訟的不足,但目前空氣污染防制法的相關規範不足、行政機關執行能力有限,也大大減少事前管制達成環境正義的功能。 本文主張,法律制度應該要能矯正環境不正義,尤其是使社會最弱勢者能藉由法律制度尋求正義。台灣目前的環境政策容易使社會底層的人民更不利,而法律制度也未能充分發揮矯正環境正義的功能。
英文關鍵詞: |
Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project;Xucuo Branch Elementary School;Environmental Litigation;Environmental Regulation;Air Pollution;Scientific Evidence |
英文摘要: |
A research conducted by the National Health Research Institute in 2013 reveals that students who study in Xucuo Branch Elementary School, which is the closest elementary schools close to the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project in Mailiao, have unusually high TdGA. The research team suggests the Executive Yuan relocates students. The policy invites criticism from students' parents and from Formosa Plastic Group, doubting the decision unjust. This case is a result of injustice, the question is: to what extend our legal system can remedy the environmental injustice? This article reviews the unjust side of relocating Xucuo Branch Elementary School case and examines the possibility and limit of the existing legal mechanism to correct injustice. Environmental litigation encounters the obstacles from the rules of evidence, the limits scientific research and the restraint of legal remedies, making victims difficult to pursue justice. Environmental regulations in Taiwan are insufficient. The high cost of implementation also deters the system to function in a more just way. This article concludes that legal system should be capable to remedy environmental injustice, unfortunately, existing legal system need to be improve to achieve environmental justice.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、許厝遷校的環境不正義 一、從「脫貧」的想望到失望 二、許厝國小遷校爭議 參、環境公害訴訟的侷限 一、嚴格證明與科學侷限 二、救濟手段與利益權衡 肆、環境管制追求環境正義 一、命令控制模式與侷限 二、協商與經濟誘因管制欠缺的制度條件 伍、環境整體不正義
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