關 鍵 詞: |
植物人;侵權行為;餘命;損害賠償;增加生活上需要 |
中文摘要: |
因侵權行為致成植物人,在司法實務上應如何填補被害人損害以符合完全賠償原則,是一件不容易的事情。早年裁判多僅針對已發生之醫療費用、被害人喪失或減少的勞動能力、慰撫金,近來實務判決有關植物人「增加生活上需要」時,對於其「餘命」認定,尤其自 1996 年開始特別熱烈並或有紛歧。其實,植物人之平均餘命是否應如部分加害人主張「較常人平均餘命為短」,主要原因在現行法於侵害生命權採扶養架構說,以致被害人生存或死亡一發生前者即適用民法第 193 條及第 195 條,後者即適用第 192 條與第 194 條,以致賠償項目與金額在裁判後落差甚大。「生」與「死」在民法中形成如此對立之狀態,應非立法者所願,且不符合人民之法律感情。本文目的在凸顯此類型案例之求償差異與現行法困境,並提出可自生命權之觀點切入,整體地來檢視這個問題,適用民法第 193 條依被害人生前可推定之勞(能)力所得,以呼應現代社會生活型態與適當之社會福利制度,則在植物人生前即提起訴訟時,自無容由加害人主張其「餘命較常人平均為短」之餘地。
英文關鍵詞: |
Persistent Vegetative State;Torts;Life Expectancy;Compensation;Increase the Need in Living |
英文摘要: |
It is not easy to compensate a victim wrongfully injuried and who become in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) through tort actions according to principle of full compensation. Early cases focus on the medical expenses, increasing the need in living, and non-pecuniary loss; currently since 1996, drastic and discrepant discussions direct at the life expectancy of PVS. Due to the theme for maintaining close-relative descendants, victim who dies or survives after injury differ articles apply to in our Civil Law- the former are Art. 192, 194, the latter are Art. 193, and 195. Yet, the amount of compensation when victim dies sometimes is immensely less. Thus, some defendants try to convince judges that even victim survives the life will not as long as the average has. It’s a pity few judges waverd. The thesis advocates that right of life should be protected as that it is before injury, namely, and no exception even victim survives in a PVS.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、實務判決之認定標準與不同見解 一、台灣高等法院暨所屬法院 85 年法律座談會民事類提案第 2 號(二) 二、最高法院 86 年度台上字第 784 號判決 三、近年最高法院裁判 四、「平均餘命」之計算與「增加生活上需要」 參、比較侵害生命權與健康權觀點,分析植物人應受之保障 肆、結語
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