關 鍵 詞: |
金融與商業分離;保險控股公司系統監理法;股東適格性;穿透式監管;股權代持 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
separation of banking and commerce;insurance holding company system regulatory act;fit and proper criteria of shareholder;pass-through regulation;entrusted shareholding agreement |
英文摘要: |
The aim of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of the regulations of insurance enterprises in Taiwan and mainland China with reference to the regulations of the United States and International Association of Insurance Supervisors to determine best practices to recommend for Taiwan. This article begins with an analysis of the separation of banking and commerce to clarify the legal foundation of the “fit and proper” criteria for shareholders. Subsequently, this paper introduces the current regulations and leading cases of Taiwan and mainland China and identifies deficiencies in their regulations. Both Taiwan and mainland China have strict regulations that fail to satisfy the proportionality principle. Mainland China’s regulatory regime is arguably a model for Taiwan in that it includes more categories of shareholders, a lower threshold for being a controlling shareholder, a shorter prohibition period for transferring shares, numerous criteria, and a pass-through regulation. Taiwan’s five principles for reviewing the fitness and propriety of a shareholder are comprehensive, but their criteria and contents can be further expounded. We also suggest eliminating the exclusion for government. Finally, we argue that an entrusted shareholding agreement should not be regarded as null and void under civil law.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、產金分離原則於保險業之適用 一、產金分離原則之意義 二、由產入保:保險業股權變動之監理規範 三、由保入產:保險業資金運用於股權投資之問題 參、台灣保險業股權監理規範與問題 一、現行規範 二、案例 三、評釋 肆、中國大陸保險業股權監理規範與問題 一、現行規範 二、案例 三、股權代持之問題 伍、比較分析與對台灣法之建議 一、整體架構 二、規範強度與比例原則 三、明確性問題 四、股東之分類與要件 五、實質審查標準與股東適格性 六、股權代持契約之效力 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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