關 鍵 詞: |
被害人自我冒險行為;阻卻違法;被害人自我負責原則;被害人同意或承諾;使法益陷入危險之自由;容許風險 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
victim’s risky behavior;justification;doctrine of selfresponsibility;victim’s consent;freedom to jeopardize one’s legal interest;allowed risk |
英文摘要: |
This article discusses criminal cases where victims engage in risky behavior and thereby compromise their own legal interests. We first scrutinize the judicial practice of Taiwanese courts and found that the principle of self-responsibility is applied in such cases. We note this practice raises many questions, including the difficulty of distinguishing this principle from the concept of victim’s consent. Overall, we argue that the courts should apply a doctrine whereby a criminal conduct is considered justified when victims engage in risky behavior, since they have the freedom to jeopardize their own legal interests. This article also attempts to clarify the prerequisites and the scope of such a doctrine.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、我國實務的現況與課題 一、概說 二、各種實務事例類型考察 三、我國實務的特徵與值得進一步探討的理論問題 參、我國學說的現況與課題 一、通說-客觀歸責理論下的被害人自我負責原則 二、以容許風險概念掌握被害人冒險行為的諸說 三、值得進一步探討的理論問題 肆、解釋論上的可能思考方式 一、目前為止之考察所呈現的主要問題 二、關於被害人從事冒險行為受侵害之歸責問題的其他思考面向 三、解釋論基本方向的探求 四、解釋論的開展 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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