關 鍵 詞: |
自主決定權;人性尊嚴;病人最佳利益;推測同意 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Autonomy;Human Dignity;Patient Best Interest;Speculative Consent |
英文摘要: |
The decision-making power is exclusive to the patient himself. If the patient is in fact unable to exercise his or her autonomy due to coma, etc., who should “agently agree”? In this case, it is considered that doctors can deviate from the family members’ opinions in consideration of the “rational patient” and “the patient’s best interests” for proper medical treatment. Instead, the doctor should decide on the medical behavior and restore medical patriarchy. Divorced from past practical insights, does such a breakthrough ingenuity cause medical staff to be confused? Conflicts in judicial practice!
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、代理人之自主決定權 一、外國及大陸地區立法例 二、外國及大陸地區實務見解 三、學者觀點 參、我國家屬之醫療參與權和決策權 一、法律規定家屬參與、決策醫療權究應如何解釋 二、病人與家屬或家屬之間意見不一致化解之道 肆、本案判決評析 一、依法審判,落實體系正義 二、病人自主權之真諦 三、醫療契約當事人 四、以病人最佳利益原則,適用推測同意(承諾) 五、民刑事實務之矛盾如何化解 伍、結論
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