關 鍵 詞: |
性罪犯;化學去勢;電子監視;社區矯正;N號房 |
中文摘要: |
南韓近期出版《 2020 年性犯罪白皮書》,聲稱 7 萬多名性罪犯的再犯狀況得到有效控制,在 2,901 個樣本的人口特徵、行為特性、犯罪手法、地點、被害者類型等等資料,分析出可能再犯的因子。書中也詳盡介紹南韓的性罪犯社區矯正制度,包括 1988 年頒布的保護觀察制度、2000 年導入的性罪犯公告制度、2006 年的性罪犯登記註冊系統、2008 年針對性罪犯的電子監視制度、2010 年的性暴力罪犯化學去勢療法、2013 年整合登記、公告及通知管理系統、2019 年的一對一電子監視機制。南韓法務部更特別從 2020 年起力推「人權友好的刑事政策」,配合南韓《刑事訴訟法》在 2020 年 2 月修訂保釋制度,實施被告交保電子監視制度。並因應 2020 年 3 月爆發的「 N 號房事件」緊急增修南韓《兒童及少年性自主保護法》。諸此種種社區矯正措施的急遽發展,對於同樣具備東方文化的我國,洵有借鑑價值。刻正司法改革之際,自有參考需求。準此,本文擬摘錄南韓性犯罪白皮書重點,在說明之餘,附帶簡介彼邦社區矯正制度,期以提供國內相關法規修訂之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Sexual Offenders ;Chemical Castration ;Electronic Monitoring;Community Corrections;Nth Room |
英文摘要: |
Recently, the Ministry of Justice of South Korea published the“White Book on Sexual Crimes in 2020”. It claimed that the recidivism status of more than 70,000 sex offenders has been effectively controlled. It collected information on demographic characteristics, behavioral characteristics, criminal methods, locations, types of victims, etc. among 2,901 samples, and analyzed the factors that may repeat offending. It also exhaustively introduced the Community Corrections System for sexual offenders in South Korea. These content included Probation, Parole, Disclosure, Registration, Electronic Monitoring, Chemical Castration Therapy, Integrated Management amount Registration, Disclosure and Notification, and the One-to-one Electronic Monitoring to special sexual offenders, etc. Especially since 2020, the Ministry of Justice of South Korea has promoted a Human Rights-friendly Criminal Policy, and coordinated with the Criminal Procedure Law to amend the bail system in February 2020, and implement an electronic surveillance system for defendants' bail. In addition, the Child and Juvenile Sexual Autonomy Protection Act was urgently revised in response to the Nth Room incident broke out in March 2020. These rapid developments of Community Corrections Measures are really valuing to refer to reform the criminal justice in our country which is also of Eastern Culture. In that light, this article intends to summarize the key points of the White Book on Sexual Crimes. Furthermore, it also includes a brief introduction to the Community Corrections in South Korea, in order to provide a reference to the revision on relevant domestic laws and regulations.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、南韓性罪犯社區矯正制度沿革 參、南韓性犯罪白皮書重點摘要 肆、南韓性罪犯社區矯正綜覽 一、社區矯正之執行基準 二、保護觀察措施之操作 三、性罪犯之登記註冊狀況 四、性罪犯之社會服務狀況 五、性罪犯之受講狀況 六、性罪犯之電子監視狀況 七、性罪犯之治療狀況 伍、檢討與反思—代結語 一、對輕罪特重法治教育卻未生再犯預防之實益 二、擴大運用電子監視有助提升社區矯正效能 三、積極為難解的性成癮問題尋求解決之道 四、事權分明配套專責部門以利運作 五、通報機制之漏洞與反思
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