關 鍵 詞: |
房屋稅;量能原則;量益原則;房屋評定現值 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
House Tax;Ability to Pay Principle;Benefit Principle;Current Value of a House |
英文摘要: |
As one of the earliest taxes in the world, house tax has been attracting public attention. Nevertheless, there remains to be doubts on its legitimacy. It’s difficult to justify the house tax from either the ability to pay principle or the benefit principle. It’s justification is based on the social purpose of redistribution of wealth. As a result, the purpose of levying the house tax is not to increase state revenue, but to achieve certain social purpose. Furthermore, when levying the house tax, it’s hard to calculate the tax based on the anticipated (potential) profits. It’s important to calculate the tax based on the facts. This article provides some suggestions with regard to the calculation of the house tax.
目 次: |
B問題提出 貳、房屋稅之法理正當性 一、從量能原則所作的證立嘗試 二、從量益原則所為的補充 三、小結 參、房屋評定現值計算 一、房屋稅之收入性質及課稅權歸屬 二、房屋稅計稅基礎的估價 三、房屋估價法制的幾點觀察 肆、結論
相關法條: |
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