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編著譯者: 王士帆
出版日期: 2021.04
刊登出處: 台灣/法學叢刊第 66 卷 第 2 期/85-132 頁
頁  數: 47 點閱次數: 2035
下載點數: 188 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 王士帆
關 鍵 詞: 科技偵查德國刑事訴訟法線上搜索全球衛星定位系統長期監視
中文摘要: 2020 年 9 月 8 日,法務部對外預告《科技偵查法》草案,引發熱議。我國科技偵查法制化的未來出路,德國經驗應可供參考。德國無科技偵查的專法,而是統一在《刑事訴訟法》(StPO)羅列若干科技偵查規定。德國《刑事訴訟法》第 1 編第 8 章中,為了達成偵查機關與現代犯罪、尤其是組織犯罪之間的科技「武器平等」,陸續增訂秘密性的偵查科技方法(technisches Mittel),逐步充實德國科技偵查能量。本文擬註釋德國科技偵查規定。為了呈現體系化架構,本文將相關條文分成8 類,依序為:壹、電話監聽與來源端電信監察(§100a StPO);貳、線上搜索(§100b StPO);參、住宅監聽(§100c StPO);肆、取證限制、配套程序與報告暨統計義務(§§100d, 100e, 101b StPO);伍、住宅外監聽(§100f StPO);陸、住宅外監視科技方法與長期監視(§§100h, 163f StPO);柒、對行動通訊設備之科技偵查(§100i StPO);捌、秘密偵查措施之通知與救濟(§101 StPO)。附帶一提,第 163f 條長期監視規定本身非科技偵查授權,但長期監視執行期間通常會使用科技工具輔助,故一併說明。
英文關鍵詞: Technology InvestigationGerman Criminal Procedure Law (StPO)Covert Remote Search (Online-Durchsuchung)Global Positioning System (GPS)Longer-Term Observation
英文摘要: On September 8, 2020, the Ministry of Justice announced the draft “Technology Investigation Law”, which caused heated discussions. For the future way out of the legalization of technological investigations, German experience should be used as a reference. Germany does not have a special law on technological investigations, but instead lists a number of technological investigation regulations in the “Criminal Procedure Law” (StPO). In Chapter 8 of Title 1 of the German Criminal Procedure Law (StPO), in order to achieve technological “weapons equality” between investigative authority and modern crimes, especially organized crimes, secret investigative technology methods (technisches Mittel) have been successively added, what gradually enriched energy of technology investigation in Germany. This article intends to annotate german regulations on technological investigations. In order to present a systematic structure, this article divides the relevant provisions into 8 categories, in order:
1. telecommunications surveillance and source internet phone tapping (Quellen-Telekommunikationsuberwachung) (§ 100a StPO);
2. covert remote search (Online-Durchsuchung) (§ 100b StPO);
3. acoustic surveillance of private premises (§ 100c StPO);
4. investigation measures restrictions, procedural precautionary protection, statistics and reporting requirements (§§ 100d, 100e, 101b StPO);
5. acoustic surveillance outside of private premises (§ 100f StPO);
6. other measures outside of private premises and longer-term observation (§§ 100h, 163f StPO);
7. technical investigation measures in respect of mobile terminals (§ 100i StPO);
8. procedural rules about information and legal remedies for undercover measures (§ 101 StPO).
Incidentally, the long-term surveillance provisions of Article 163f StPO are not authorized by technological investigations themselves, but technological methods are usually used to assist them during the implementation of long-term surveillance, so this is also explained.
目  次: 壹、電話監聽與來源端電信監察(§100a StPO)
貳、線上搜索(§100b StPO)
參、住宅監聽(§100c StPO)
伍、住宅外聲音監聽(§ 100f StPO)
陸、住宅外監視科技方法及長期監視(§§100h, 163f StPO)
柒、對行動通訊設備之科技偵查(§100i StPO)
捌、秘密偵查措施之通知與救濟(§101 StPO)
王士帆,德國科技偵查規定釋義,法學叢刊,第 66 卷 第 2 期,85-132 頁,2021年04月。