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從營業秘密法第 13 條之 4 盡力防免規定論組織體刑事責任(Corporate Criminal Liability and Its Duty to Prevent Trade Secret Violations)
編著譯者: 蔡謦伊林志潔
出版日期: 2021.04
刊登出處: 台灣/法學叢刊第 66 卷 第 2 期/69-84 頁
頁  數: 16 點閱次數: 1449
下載點數: 64 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 林志潔
關 鍵 詞: 營業秘密法組織體刑事責任盡力防免法令遵循美國經濟間諜法
中文摘要: 營業秘密的保護影響企業與國家競爭力,企業與組織體對於營業秘密的規劃,除了有合理的保密措施外,需避免成為營業秘密侵害的加害人。營業秘密法第 13 條之 4 規定有處罰法人之規定,惟在但書僅只有令法人代表人有盡力防免之免責事由,並未論及法人可以已盡力防免主張免責。在我國目前沒有組織體刑事責任理論的情形下,從本文將從美國組織體刑事責任與經濟間諜法的角度,探討組織體對保護營業秘密,並防止組織體本身成為侵害他人營業秘密之加害人的可行作法與建議,將組織的盡力防免行為分成針對組織體量刑之各項標準與建議,討論組織體是否有盡力防免,將從兩大區塊:法令遵循與改善行動,希望能供未來修法或企業組織體在運作時作為參考。
英文關鍵詞: Trade Secret ActCorporate Criminal LiabilityPreventionComplianceEconomic Espionage Act
英文摘要: Trade secrets are critical to the competitiveness of the organization and its country. Organizations have to protect its trade secrets and, on the other hand, to prevent its business activities from the trade secrets misappropriation. The Article 13-4 of the Trade Secret Act in Taiwan stated that the juristic person shall be punished with fine if the representative of the juristic person, the agent, employees or any other staff of a juristic person commits any the crimes prescribed in Article 13-1 or 13-2 in the course of business. In Taiwan, the corporate criminal liability has not adopted by the judicial system. This article focuses principally on the corporate criminal liability of the United States Economic Espionage Act and its Sentencing Guidelines. Also, it will introduce the preventive measures as a defense of trade secret misappropriation, which includes the compliance program and the ameliorative actions.
目  次: 壹、前言
貳、營業秘密法第 13 條之 4 與司法實務見解
蔡謦伊、林志潔,從營業秘密法第 13 條之 4 盡力防免規定論組織體刑事責任,法學叢刊,第 66 卷 第 2 期,69-84 頁,2021年04月。